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  • This line was added.
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Table of Contents

What is a PDF Template?

PDF is a file format that is widely used for consistent formatting and the ability to view a form. A PDF Template is a form that can be pre-populated using data that was entered previously or can be a fillable form where the user inputs the data. These are especially important for government required forms that need to be stored. You must provide or download a fillable PDF in order to add and use it in your system. if you have a PDF that you want to make fillable, there are programs that you can find online. There are also downloadable fillable PDFs online. You can include these fillable PDFs in your onboarding process using Process Revisions.

Adding a PDF Template is similar to adding an image, in that they must be uploaded into your system in order to use them anywhere in the onboarding process.

There are two ways how a PDF Template can be used in onboarding.  They can be directly included in the process through Process Revision or added as a part of Smart Form and then applied to the business process through Process Revision.

How do you add a PDF Template?


PDF NameName that describes the PDF Form
DescriptionTo find the PDF Form easily, name it accordingly
Output File NameSave the PDF Form to a file
Is process Action

When checked, few more entry fields will show up;

  • Can be used as a data entry form
  • can be used as an activity in the process flow

When unchecked, the form cannot be used in the process flow.

File NamePDF file name uploaded


In this case, "Description" field is used for searching the variable "First Name Last Name". The variable matching the search criteria is shown. Click the variable that you would like to include in the text.

Another option is to navigate through the tree structure. Click on "Display as Tree" button to navigate back to the tree structure.

Search for the variable in the tree structure and then click on it.


Refer to the chart below for information on the fields.

Participant Pool

The Role Type that will see the PDF Form

  • Required: the user needs to complete the form before continuing
  • Optional: the user has the option to complete the form. The system will allow the user to proceed with the process and complete Submit to HR even without completing the optional activity.

Allow Bypass

  • By selecting this the user will have the bypass enabled for the form
  • The user must submit the bypass activity and acknowledge the form to continue with the process

Override Save Button Label 

  • The label on the button that the user must click in order to save or continue
  • The default label is 'e-sign,' so if you leave this field blank, it will say 'e-sign'
  • Examples of replacement labels:
    • Acknowledge
    • Agree

Enable I Agree

  • By selecting this the user acknowledges the information provided on the form
Acknowledge text

  • This field is displayed when the user selects the check box of 'Enable I Agree' label
Enable Print
  • Yes: the page will contain an icon that will allow the user to print the form
  • No: the user will not be able to print the form
Print Source
  • This field only shows up if you click on 'Yes' for Enable Print
  • Current Form: it will print in the form that the file is originally in
  • PDF Template:
    • selecting this will spawn another field below it
    • Clicking on the lookup will pull up all of the PDF Templates that are in your system

File Name
  • The PDF file name uploaded
