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Table of Contents

What is the Reverify Console?

The Reverify Console allows I-9 Specialist to search and navigate to a New Hire's I-9 Reverify information.

What I-9 IDs are displayed under the Reverify Console?

The console displays all the I-9 IDs that have Reverification process initiated (Reverification of documents or legal name change) by HR Admin / employeewill display the data associated with the supplement B process for Reverification or Name Change

Who has access to the Reverify Console?

Only I-9 Specialists are allowed to access the Reverify Console.

How do you access the Reverify Console?

The Reverify Console can be accessed in two different ways.

Access via Menu Icon

Click the Menu icon and select the menu icon and select "Reverify Console under Consoles" under Consoles.


Access via Quick Links

From your home page, you can select Reverify Console through the Quick Links bar located below the banner photo.  These links change depending on the Role Type of the current User.

Quick Links

What makes up the Reverify Console page?

The Reverify Console page is made up of 2 sections: the Search Filter and the I-9 Details.  

 Reverify Console Example 

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Search Filter 

When there are many I-9 IDs in the system, it is efficient to have search filter options to quickly find a specific I-9 ID. Next to the field, you can change the search option to specify how you want your text to be perceived.



I-9 ID

  • Filter by I-9 ID
  • Selecting "equal to" will search for the I-9 ID that is exactly what you type in

  • Selecting "between" will generate another search box and search for values middle of the two IDs that you enter
  • Selecting "greater than" will search for I-9 IDs that are greater than what you enter
  • Selecting "greater than or equal to" will search for I-9 IDs that are greater than or equal to what you enter
  • Selecting "less than" will search for I-9 IDs that are less than what you enter
  • Selecting "less than or equal to" will search for I-9 IDs that are less than or equal to what you enter


  • Filter by Name
  • Selecting "begins with" will search for the beginning of the Name for the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "contains" will search for any of the Names that has the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "equal to" will search for the Name that is exactly what you type in

Filing Action
  • Filter by the filing action type ( Name Change/Reverification process)

Completed Date Time

  • Filter by process completed Date and Time
Initiated by
  • Filter by the user who initiated the Reverification Supplement B process (Employee/Admin)
Section3 Supplement B Correction
  • Filter by Section 3 Supplement B Correction 'Yes' or 'No'

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I-9 Details 

Based on the search criteria selected in the Search Filter/Quick Filter, the I-9 details display in the search results. The data presented will also depend on the security set up for the user accessing the console. Users will only have visibility to the data for which they have been granted access. For example, if the user's access is configured to view only a "Research" Company data, they will only see I-9 data associated with that specific company in the console.



I-9 ID
  • New Hire's distinctive ID #
  • Sortable in ascending or descending order of I-9 IDs
  • Clicking on this will pull up the New Hire's I-9 information

  • New Hire's name
Filing Action
  • The type of the Reverification filing (Name CorrectionName Change/Reverification)
Created on
  • The date the process is created
Initiated by
  • The user who initiated the Reverification process (Admin/Employee)
WAE Date
  • The New Hire's Work Authorization Expiry date
Completed Date Time
  • Reverification process completed date & time
View Process
  • Clicking on this will pull up process details

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How to identify



that require reverification?

I-9 Reverification can be performed when the employee's current work authorization or work authorization documentation (which ever is sooner) is due to expire. For the option to be available in I-9 Console actions, the WAE date of the transaction has to be within the reverification trigger days specified in I-9 Options page. To identify those transactions in I-9 Console, use Work Authorization End Date search criteria. 

Click Info and Actions for the selected I-9 ID.

I-9 Console

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If WAE date of the transaction is within the reverification trigger days specified in I-9 Options page, "Initiate Reverification" option will be available for that transaction in I-9 Console actions.

Also, reverification correction is available if there is a prior completed reverification process for that transaction.

Initiate Reverification

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Click Yes to confirm 'Initiate Reverification' action.

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There is also an alternative option to initiate reverification through Keyword Search. 

Click on the Keyword Search icon. Select "I-9 Life Cycle" Category and enter Last Name in the Keyword field. Click on the "Search" button. When the search result displays, click on the "..." to access I-9 Life Cycle actions and select "Reverification" option.

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Click on "Yes" to confirm the action. The process opens Section 3 activity.

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The Reverification Section in I-9 Section 3 opens for the I-9 Specialist to enter reverification details. 

I-9 Section 3

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Once it is initiated, the transaction shows in the Reverify console with "Reverification" as the filing action.

Reverify Console

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What should be the invitation status of the I-9 ID chosen for reverification?

For Initiating reverification action from I-9 Console, the status of the Invitation ID related to this I-9 should be in Process Completed state. Otherwise, the reverification option will not be available in I-9 Console actions even though the WAE date of the transaction is within the reverification trigger days specified in I-9 Options page.

Invitation Status = 'Completed'Image Removed

pending for reverification or name correction?

Transactions with pending reverification can be identified by their Filing Action, WAE Date and Completed Date. Transactions marked with a Filing Action as "Reverification", a populated WAE Date and an empty Completed Date indicate that a reverification process has been initiated for the transaction but remains incomplete.

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Likewise, pending Name Change processes can be identified by the Filing Action marked as "Name Correction" and an absence of a Completed Date.

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