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Companies or Business Units that are enrolled in E-Verify
Table of Contents

Companies or Business Units that are enrolled in E-Verify must be added in this setup to interact with the USCIS E-Verify System. This step is not needed if the Company/Business Unit (Legal Entity) is not planning to use E-Verify.


What details are included in the DHS Client Setup?

For legal entities (Companies or Business Units) , such as companies or business units, that are enrolled in E-Verify, web service accounts should must be set up established in the DHS Client Setup to connect link with the USCIS E-Verify system.  The The DHS Client Setup interface will present relevant display the appropriate fields based on the chosen Company/Business Unit selected company or business unit within the Legal Entity Driver. For setting up the Legal Entity Driver for an organization, please click here.


  • Each Company/Business Unit can use a different DHS User ID and password (or the same). Add a scroll row for each Company/Business Unit.
  • For selecting the Company/Business Unit, use the lookup icon.

Note: The fields displaying in DHS Client Setup will depend on the Legal Entity Driver (Company/Business Unit) selected in the I-9 Options. The system is delivered with Company as the Legal Entity Driver in I-9 Options and Company ID in the DHS Client Setup.

  • The User ID on the DHS site that the Company/Business Unit uses for communicating with USCIS E-Verify.Displays the User ID entered
  • The Password for the user on the DHS site that the Company/Business Unit uses for communicating with USCIS E-VerifyE-Verify. 
  • Enter the password manually, and avoid copying it from the browser or from the previous row of this setup, even if it already exists for the same User ID.
  • Displays the Password as encrypted and masked.
  • If the web service account password is changed, update the new password details in this field.
  • Re-type the Password-type the Password. Should match with the Password field.
  • Enter the password manually, and avoid copying it from the browser or from the previous row of this setup, even if it already exists for the same User ID.
  • Displays the re-typed Password as encrypted and masked.
  • If the web service account password is changed, update the new password details in the Confirm Password field.
Allow Batch DHS Case Creation
  • This option can be used for case creation and submission of E-Verify cases to DHS through batch process. For more details, please click here.
Default case submitter Details
  • This link is visible in the setup only when "Allow Batch DHS Case Creation" check box is selected,
  • Opens a page where case submitter details are collected which can be used for initiating the E-Verify cases through batch process. For more details, please click here.
Verify Connectivity
  • Make sure the information entered in this setup is saved before using this option .
  • Can be used to verify the DHS connectivity.


If the User ID and Password is correct, the message will have the details of password reset date and the number days remaining until the password expires.

To make sure the current setup is correct, click on "Verify Connectivity" link for the Company that you have added/updated. (Note: Before you verify the connectivity, make sure the new entries added/updated on the page are saved).

The below message displays if the connection is successful.


If the Password entered is incorrect, the below message displays on when clicking the "Verify Connectivity".



How to add/delete a row in the DHS Client Setup?

For legal entities participating in E-Verify, the E-Verify activity will be routed only if the


company or business unit has the web service account configured in the DHS Client Setup.



the following example, a new row


is added for a


company. To add a new row, click the "Add" button


located in the top right corner of any existing row.

A new row will be added below as shown. Click on the lookup icon to choose the Company.


Select the Company value for which you want to add the web service setup. Note: All the attribute values added to the Company attribute through Attribute Revision will appear in the lookup. For details on adding an attribute, please click here to visit the Attribute Revision page.

The Desired Lookup ID and the Desired Lookup Description for the selected Company will populate in the Company ID field.  Enter the DHS web service User ID and Password details and save.


If the Company already exists in the setup, then the duplicate value error displays as below.

To make sure the current setup is correct, click on the "Verify Connectivity" link for the Company that you just added. (Note: Before you verify the connectivity, make sure the new entries added on the page are saved).

The below message displays if the connection is successful.


To delete remove a Company company value from the DHS Client Setup, click on the "Delete" button on the corresponding row and then save your changes.

How do you search for a Company/Business Unit value in the DHS Client Setup?

In the DHS Client Setup, the grid on top of the list will show the total number of rows existing in the setup. Use "Previous" and "Next"  to scroll through the list of values.

Another way to find a particular text/setup on the page is by using the "Find" link provided on the grid. Enter the text in the search box and click on "OK". This will brig bring up the search result on the page.


How to enable batch process for E-Verify?

Instead of manually creating E-Verify cases manually for each newly hired employeenew hire, you can enable the batch process in the DHS Client Setup for auto automatic case creation and submission of E-Verify cases to DHS.

To configure the batch process for a specific Company/Business Unitcompany or business unit, enable the "Allow Batch DHS Case Creation" checkbox on the corresponding row. Transactions associated with the legal entity and marked with the "Allow Batch DHS Case Creation" option for the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) and this option, and that are awaiting DHS verification, will be picked up automatically processed by the batch process for E-Verify. Enabling When you enable the "Allow Batch DHS Case Creation" checkbox will also present , a link will appear to enter the case submitter details. These details will serve as the default information for the E-Verify cases created through the batch process for the associated legal entity.

To provide the case submitter details, click on the "Default Case Submitter Details" link.


Enter the information and click "OK". This information is used for all the DHS cases that are initiated through the batch process for that legal entity.

While creating E-Verify cases, if the transaction has a delay for more than “Hire Date + 3 business days”, then the batch process will consider the "Overdue Verify Reason" selected here as the delay reason.


For batch case creation and submission of E-Verify cases to DHS, there is a batch process scheduled to run everyday at 8pm PST in SmartERP cloud production environment. All the eligible transactions (which have the "Allow Batch DHS Case Creation" checked for the Company/Business Unit in DHS Client Setup) that are awaiting DHS verification will be picked up and the cases will be auto submitted to the DHS. During the submission, if the case status is "Employment Authorized", then the E-Verify activity will be auto completed with the case status "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed". After the process runs, an email notification will be sent to the case submitter with the number of cases submitted and their status. (Note: The case submitter details given in the DHS Client Password Setup is used for this purpose.)Notepurpose.)

Please take note of the following points to understand how the batch process works:

1. If the DHS site is down during submission, all transactions will be re-submitted during the next processing cycle. This will be notified to the case submitter via an email.


Transaction(s) for which the E-Verify case could not be created will have an E-Verify Status as of "Awaiting DHS Verification," with no value in the E-Verify Case Number. (Transactions with a successfully created E-Verify case created will have display the case number displayed in the report.) . The case submission failure count given provided in the email will be in sync with the number of failed transactions present listed in the DHS E-Verify Report.

Download the file and review the transactions that have failed to create the an E-Verify case. Take action on these transactions the necessary actions to resolve the errors. Using  You can use the Invitation IDs mentioned in the report , you can to identify the invitations in the My Tasks Console /or Keyword Search My Tasks category and take action to resolve address the errors.

Once it is doneresolved, these transactions will again be considered for case creation during the next process cycle. 

DHS E-Verify Report


Here are a few scenarios where the a transaction might fail to process and , preventing the creation of an E-Verify case cannot be created are given below:

1. When the data given in the Form I-9 Section 2 is incorrect. In this case, the Document Number provided in Section 2 is less than 6 characters. 


2. When E-Verify is out of compliance (if “Hire Date + 3 business days” has passed for case creation) and the Overdue Reason is not provided in the Default Case submitter Details page of the DHS Client Setup.

Default Case Submitter Details


3. When the duplicate case exists for the transaction (the Social Security Number of the transaction matches with the Social Security Number of an existing case for the same Client client Company ID).  

Error message in DHS the E-verify report


After resolving the issue, you can let either allow these transactions to be picked up by the batch process in the next cycle or submit the case from through the E-Verify activity. 

If you wish prefer to submit your transaction through via the E-Verify activity, then navigate to the "My Tasks" console or use the Keyword Search in "My Tasks" and to access the transaction.

My Tasks Console


Scroll down the page, enter case creator's details and click on the "Create Case" button.

Note: There will be no  The "Overdue Reason" in field will not appear on the E-Verify page for the transactions that are in "In Compliance" status (calculated , which is determined based on Hire Date + 3 business days).

For the transactions that are in the "Out of Compliance" state, the E-Verify page will have display the "Overdue Reason," which will be populated from the   Case Submitter details in the DHS Client Setup. 

DHS Client Setup

Default Case Submitter Details

Example: Out An out of Compliance compliance transaction with Overdue Reason the overdue reason populated from the DHS Client Setup Case Submitter Details is given shown below. Change Update the Overdue overdue reason if needed necessary and create the case.

Transactions with DHS Status other than "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed':

Transactions that are in have a DHS status other than 'Employment Authorized - EA Auto Closed' can be accessed in via the E-Verify Console or through Keyword Search under in the E-Verify Console category. 

Review them these transactions and, if necessary needed, take appropriate action actions to continue the verification process.

Accessing Transactions To access transactions via E-Verify Console:

Click on the "E-Verify Console" link in on the Quick links Links bar.

In the E-Verify Console, click on the lookup icon for "DHS Status".

In On the look up lookup page, select the appropriate DHS sub state. As an For example, let us to access the transactions with the "Unconfirmed Data" sub state, choose that option.

The search results for DHS Status = "Unconfirmed Data" shows are displayed as given shown below. By clicking Click on the Case Number , you can to open the activity and continue proceed with the verification process.

Accessing Transactions To access transactions through Keyword Search E-Verify Console:

In Keyword Search, select "E-Verify Console" as the Category category and search using an appropriate Keyworda relevant keyword. In this caseinstance, the candidate's name is used as the Keywordkeyword. 

Click on the I-9 ID link to open the Unconfirmed Data page and continue with the verification process.


How to check for EA Auto closed transactions?

The transactions Transactions with EA Auto closed Closed DHS status can be identified in the E-Verify Console or through Keyword Search under the E-Verify Console Categorycategory.

Accessing To access EA Auto Closed Transactions via the E-Verify Console:

Click on the "E-Verify Console" link in the Quick links Links bar.

Click on the lookup icon for "DHS Status".


This will fetch all transactions with DHS Status = "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed". 

Accessing To access EA Auto Closed Transactions transactions via Keyword Search E-Verify Console:

In the Keyword Search, select "E-Verify Console" as the Category and search using an appropriate Keyword. In this case, category and use "All" is used as the Keywordkeyword. Filter Then, filter the search results for to show transactions with DHS Status = "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed". 

Click on any I-9 ID to open its E-Verify page:

Since Since the E-Verify activity is auto-completed  for for these transactions, they will be in the process completed state. You can To check their process status by navigating , navigate to the Invitation Console.

Click on the "Invitation Console" link in the Quick links Links bar of on the Home page.

Search for the transactions using any search filter in the Invitation Console. HereIn this example, the candidate's First Name is used for searchingthe search.

As given shown below, the process status for the EA Auto Closed transaction will be shown listed as "Invitation Completed".


How to update the reset password in the DHS Client Setup?

After modifying the web service account password has been modified within on the DHS site, ensure that promptly update the new password is promptly updated in the DHS Client Setup . This is important to maintain connectivity between Smart I-9/E-Verify or the Smart Onboarding portal and the USCIS E-Verify System.

In the DHS Client Setup, update enter the new password in the Password and Confirm Password fields for all the applicable relevant rows and save the changes. Note: If the same web service User ID is used for different Companies/Business Unitscompanies or business units, do not copy and paste from the prior previously updated rows because once entered it , as the password will be encrypted once entered. 

To make sure the new password setup is correct, click on the "Verify Connectivity" link for the respective Company/Business Unit for which the password has been updated.
