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For any selected invitation, click on "Info and Actions", and then select "Unwatch/Watch" under the Actions tab. 


Note: To view how far the onboarding process is progressed, you can click on the "View Process" link for the invitation and verify the process viewer.


To perform "Restart Process" action for the this invitation, navigate to "Info and Actions" and click on the "Actions" tab. 


Select a reason and enter the comments. Click on comments, then click "Submit".

Restart Process

Click "OK" to confirm the process restart action.

You will notice the New Hire's onboarding process is restarted from the Electronic Disclosure activity.Process  Process viewer for the restarted process is shown below:

AlsoAdditionally, the New Hire will receive the following an email confirmation regarding the restart of their onboarding process.

Note: In case, if New Hire is simultaneously working on any activity and completes the activity after the process has been restarted, then the following message displays on the page.

By clicking on the "Click here" link on the message, the New Hire can open the activities for the restarted process.


Another way to restart the process is through the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.


For example, consider an invitation currently in the "Invitation In Progress" status.

Click on For the selected invitation, click the "Info and Actions" link for the selected invitation.

Info and Actions

The "Information" tab of Info and Actions opens as below. Here, you can verify the current Business Process Status and Onboarding Status of the invitation. 

Info and Actions → Information

Click on Navigate to the "Actions" tab to open the invitation related actions. Click on Select the "Terminate Process" link.

Info and Actions → Actions

Enter the following details on the terminate Process page.

Select a reason from On the Terminate Process page, choose a reason from the dropdown, enter add a comment and comment, and click on the "Submit" button.

Terminate Process Page


On the confirmation message, click "OK" to continue.

This The following message confirms the process is terminated.


The terminated status will be updated for the transaction in the Invitation Console.

Invitation Console

After process termination, the Business Process Status and Onboarding Status of the invitation under the "Information" tab will also be updated.


Since no additional actions can be carried out on terminated transactions, the "Action" tab for this specific transaction will not display any options related to actions.

After the termination, the The user whose process has been terminated will receive an email in the following format.


There is also another way to terminate the process via the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.


For the selected invitation, click on the "Info and Actions" link. 


This will open the "Information" tab, as given shown below. Under this tab, the employee's job details and the onboarding status of the invitation are showndisplayed. After process completing the transaction through this console action, these statuses will changebe updated.

To force complete the invitation process, navigate to the "Actions" tab and select "Consider Process Complete".


Force Complete Process Page

Click On the confirmation message, click "OK" to continue.

After confirming this action, the invitation will be process completed and the status will get be updated to the "Invitation Completed" status.

Invitation Console

The Business Process Status and the Onboarding Status under the "Information" tab will show the updated datastatus.

Info and Actions → Information


Another way to perform this action is through the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Restart Activity

The Restart Activity allows for Activity feature allows a specific Onboarding onboarding activity to be redone in case there is of a mistake or the need to add new information to be added.  This This action is available for invitations which that are currently in progress status.  The The activities showing listed in the Restart Group will vary depending on the user role type and how far the progress of the New Hire process is in progress, which is specifically how many activities have been completed.

An Below is a detailed example of a restarted activity for the HR Specialist role type is discussed in detail below:

Consider a New Hire process which that is in progress with the "Verify Information" activity already completed. 

Note: You can view the pending activities for the invitation in the My Tasks Console.

My Tasks Console

For the selected invitation in the Invitation Console, click on the "Info and Actions" link.

Invitation Console → Info and Actions

The onboarding status of the invitation before activity restart can be seen under the "Information" tab. After activity restart this status will be updated. 

Click on Navigate to the Actions tab, then select the "Restart Activity" from Invitation Console actions as shown below:option.

Invitation Console → Info and Actions → Actions

Select an option in from the Restart Group drop down depending on which dropdown based on the activity you want wish to restart.   Each Each option in the Restart Group is represents a collection of different activities that was were previously configured.  

Options showing in the Restart Group drop down for a HR Specialist role:


After selecting an option in from the Restart Group, enter add a comment and click "Submit".

Click On the confirmation message, click "OK" to continue.

This The following message confirms the activities have been restarted.

The New Hire receives will receive the following email about regarding the restarted activity. By clicking on the link given provided in the email, the New Hire can login log in to their onboarding process and complete the pending activities.


The restarted status will be updated reflected in the Info and Actions section under the "Information" tab, as shown below.

Invitation Console → Info and Actions → Information


The pending activities for the restarted invitation can be seen viewed in the My Tasks Console, as shown below.

Once the New Hire completes their pending activities and submit submits the process to HR, the HR Specialists can complete finish their tasks by clicking on the activity link showing up that appears in the My Tasks Console. 

My Tasks Console

Another way to perform restart activities is through the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.


This action allows admin users to set important dates for a specific New Hire. The dates entered here are will automatically shown appear on the candidate's homepage. 

For the selected invitation, click on the "Info and Actions" link and , then select "Set/View Important Dates" under Actions.

The page displays as for setting up important dates looks like below:

Enter values Enter the values in the fields as shown and shown and click  "Save." The saved values are available for editing later.  The date(s), time and description entered here are shown can be edited later. The dates, times, and descriptions entered here will be displayed on the candidate's home pagehomepage.

Another way to set/view important dates is through the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.
