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For scenarios involving a large volume of candidate data, it is recommended to use this method. Users can input the data into a spreadsheet and upload the file into the system. The file must be in .csv format and follow the field order specified on the Invitation Interface page. If the field order differs, a downloadable spreadsheet template with the correct field sequence is provided to help avoid errors due to mismatched fields during file uploads.

Who can access the Invitation Interface setup?

The users with the following roles are allowed to access the Invitation Interface setup.

ProductUser roles allowed to access Invitation Interface
Smart OnboardingRecruiter
Smart I-9 E-VerifyI-9 Specialists

How do you access


Invitation Interface?

The Invitation Interface can be accessed through the menu icon.

Product: Smart Onboarding

Click the menu icon in the top left corner of the page, then select the "Invitation Interface" option under the Invitations section in the navigation menu.

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Product: Smart I-9/E-Verify

Click the menu icon in the top left corner of the page and select "Invitation Interface" under Invitations, or click the "Invitation Interface" link in the Quick Links bar.

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The Invitation Interface page

looks like

is shown below. Invitation details can be imported through two methods: File or Provider.

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How to create mass invitations by importing data from a file?

Creating mass invitations using candidate information from a file involves two steps:

  1. Importing the candidate's personal and attribute data from the file.
  2. Copying the job-related information from a previous invitation


Step 1: Importing the candidate's personal and attribute data from the file

Choose the source to import the invitation information. The Invitation Interface page offers two options: "File" and "Provider".


Select the "File" option from the dropdown list.

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Next, upload the .csv file containing multiple rows of candidate data. The file should include personal and attribute data, with the field order matching the fields on the page.

Personal data should include the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Start Date, Phone Type, Telephone, Email Type, and Email ID. The attribute data can include up to three attribute descriptions and their corresponding values. Attribute fields are optional and can be used if additional information is required on the invitations.

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If the file with this specified format is not available, click the "Download Template" button to download the template.

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Open the downloaded file.

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The file format looks like below.

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Enter information into the fields for the new rows you plan to create in the file. Ensure that the Start Date is within 120 days from the current date and not more than 60 days prior. Otherwise, the field may show an error during file import. Details about field errors are provided below.

Adding attribute descriptions and values is optional. If no value or description is provided for an attribute, that attribute data will not be imported from the file.

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Save the file with a new name.

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Now close the .csv file and click "Upload File" on the Invitation Interface page.

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Click the "Choose File" option.

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Select the file that you just created and click "Open".

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The file gets attached as shown below. Click the "Upload" button.

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After uploading the file, the "Import Data" button will appear on the page. Click this button to import the data from the uploaded file.

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This action will import the invitation information from the file and display it on the page. The data entered in the newly created file will be shown here. If you need to add more rows manually, click the "Add Invitation" option located at the bottom of the Invitations section.

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To view the attribute data, click the "View Attributes" button.

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The attribute information provided in the file will be


show here. To return to the personal data fields, click the "View Personal Data" button.

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If the Start Date of any invitation in the file exceeds 120 days from the current date or is more than 60 days prior, the Start Date field will display an error as shown below. 

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You can verify the error log by accessing "View Logs" via the "Actions" hyperlink. If the Start Date exceeds 120 days from the current date, the log file will display the following message:

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If the Start Date is more than 60 days prior to the current date, the log file will display the following message:

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If the Start Date is modified to an invalid value after importing the file, the following error messages will be displayed on the page.

If the Start Date exceeds 120 days from the current date

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If the Start Date is more than 60 days prior to the current date

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Additionally, the information entered in the First Name, Last Name, Phone Type, Telephone, and Email ID fields is validated, and the corresponding error messages are displayed for any invalid entries.

If numbers or special characters are entered in the name fields:

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If the phone number is invalid:

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If the email ID is invalid:

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If "SMS" is configured as the only delivery method for two-factor authentication in the organization, invitations can only be created using a USA phone number with the "Cell" type.

If any phone type other than "Cell" is selected, attempting to perform the "Create" or "Create and Launch" action through "Actions" will result in the following error message being displayed on the page.


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Similarly, if a phone type other than "Cell" is selected for any invitation and an attempt is made to create or create and launch invitations using the respective buttons at the bottom of the page, the process will fail and invitations will not be created.


You can click on the "Go to Process Monitor" hyperlink to view the process details.


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You will see the run status as "No Success." To view the logs and get details about the error, click on the "Details" hyperlink on this page.


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Select "Message Log" under the Actions section on the Process Detail page.


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The error can be viewed on the Message Log page.


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Step 2: Copying the job related information from a previous invitation

You can use the "Copy From Invitation" functionality on the Invitation Interface page to


select a previously created invitation as a template for populating job-related information on new invitations.



A model invitation


must already exist in the system


to use this functionality.

The "Copy From Invitation" field is required when creating and launching invitations, either individually or in bulk. If this field is left blank,


an error message will


appear on the page.

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Click the lookup icon for "Copy From Invitation" and search for the invitation. From the search results, select the invitation you want to use to copy the job related information.

Lookup icon

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The model invitation that is selected populates on the page.

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After selecting the invitation(s),


choose one of the following options:

  • "Create Invitations" to create the invitations without launching


  • them.
  • "Create and Launch Invitations" to create and immediately launch the invitations.

The buttons "Create Invitations" and "Create and Launch Invitations" will appear on the page as soon as you select the checkbox for one or more invitations.


 You can either click the "Select All" button to choose all invitations at once or individually click the checkboxes next to each invitation row.

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Another option to "Create/Create and Launch" invitations is through "Actions". These actions can be performed individually for each invitation row.

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If mass invitations need to be created, select the invitations and click either the "Create Invitations" or "Create and Launch Invitations" button as needed. (In this example, the "Create and Launch Invitations" option is selected.)

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When the invitations are being processed the page shows as display only. Click the "Go to Process Monitor" link at the bottom of the page to view the process status.

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Note: You can also access Process Monitor via the navigation menu on the left.

Smart Onboarding Product

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Smart I-9 Product

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The Run Status initially displays as "Queued" and "Processing," and will change to "Success" once the process has completed successfully.

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Once the invitations are created, they will be available in the Invitation Console or under the "Invitations" category in Keyword Search.


For more


information on viewing invitations via Keyword Search, please click here. If the invitations have been created but not launched, you can access them through the Invitation Console or the "Invitations" category in Keyword Search and launch them individually.

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What fields are copied over to the newly created invitations? 

When selecting a model invitation for copying fields, note that not all fields from the model invitation will be copied to the newly created or launched invitations. The following limitations apply:

  1. Only


  1. employment information will be copied from the model invitation; the Home Address will not be included.

  2. Onboarding Details from the model invitation will be copied to the new invitations, except for


  1. the "Credit Check Required?" field


  1. in the Background Checks section. This field will be set to "No," regardless of its value in the model invitation.

If the invitations in the batch require


the credit check to be enabled, create the invitations using the Invitation Interface, then update the Home State and Credit Check details by accessing them through the Invitation Console. For details on accessing invitations via the Invitation Console, please click here. After editing the necessary details, launch these invitations via the Invitation Console. For more information on launching invitations through the Invitation Console,


please click here.

If the "Credit Check Required?" option is set to "Yes" in the selected model invitation, the following message will


appear during the creation or launch of invitations via the Invitation Interface. If you select "Yes"


in the message,


the invitations will be created and launched with the credit check defaulted to "No".

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3) If a model invitation includes an Employment Agreement that requires additional invitation data (Supplemental Attributes data), the Employment Agreement field will


be defaulted to "No" when new invitation(s) are created or launched through


the Invitation Interface. If any invitations in the batch require an Employment Agreement to be included with Supplemental Attribute Data, create the invitations using the Invitation Interface, then update the Employment Agreement details


by accessing the invitation via Invitation Console. For information on accessing invitations via the Invitation Console,


please click here. After editing the necessary details, launch the invitations through the Invitation Console. For more information on launching invitations through the Invitation Console,


please click here.

If the Employment Agreement does not require supplemental attribute data, the Employment Agreement value will be copied to the newly created or launched invitations.


If the model invitation includes an Employment Agreement that requires additional invitation data (Supplemental Attributes data), a message will appear on the page. If "Yes" is selected in the message, the invitations will be created and launched with no value in the Employment Agreement field.

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How to


import the invitation data from a provider?


On the invitation Interface page, select 'Provider' as the source for importing the invitation data.

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Click on the Provider dropdown and select


the provider name.

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Click the "Get Candidates" button.

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This will import the invitation information from the


provide source.

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Now, click


the lookup icon for "Copy From Invitation" and select a model invitation from the list of previous invitations. This


enables you to use


an existing invitation as a template to populate job-related information


for the new invitations. Note:


A model invitation must already be created in the system


to use this functionality.

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The "Copy From Invitation" field is required when


creating and launching invitations, either individually or in bulk. If this field is left blank,


an error message will


appear on the page.

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The selected model invitation


will appear on the page.

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Now, select the invitation(s), then


choose one of the following options:

  • "Create Invitations" to create the invitations without launching


  • them.
  • "Create and Launch Invitations" to create and immediately launch the invitations.
"Create Invitations" button/action

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"Create and Launch Invitations" button/actions

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Does the Invitation Interface support entering invitation data manually?

The Invitation Interface also allows


manual entry of invitation data directly into the designated grids on the page. Without selecting a source for importing data, simply enter the information needed to create the invitations. To add empty rows for data entry,


you can use the "Add Invitation" button.

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This will add new


rows for entering the invitation data.


You can add as many invitation rows as


needed by


clicking the "Add Invitation" button.

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