Table of Contents |
Enter the subject line and insert binds if necessary. Place your cursor where you would like to add the bind, and click "Insert Binds".
Click the 'Look Up' button and select the bind variable.
The Lookup binds page open as below. You can select the variable by expanding the tree structure or using "Search Binds" lookup.
In this case, "Description" field is used for searching the variable "First Name". Bind variable matching the search criteria are shown. Click the bind that you would like to include in the text.
Another option is to navigate through the tree structure to find the bind. Click on "Display as Tree" button to return to the tree structure.
Search for the variable in the tree structure, and click on the variable link.
After the bind is added to the pop-up page, click "OK".
The bind will be inserted in the subject as shown below. When you click on 'Highlight Binds', you will see all the binds included in the text highlighted in yellow. Continue with any additional changes in the text and then click on "OK". This will add the subject on the Notification Template page.
Now, add the email content by clicking the "Add/Edit Content" link.
Notification Template | Description | How Used |
INV_ACCT_CREATE_EMAIL_USERID | Account creation email with User ID | Email sent to a user with authentication User ID |
INV_ACCT_CREATE_EMAIL_USERPSWD | Account creation email with password | Email sent to a user with Password |
SM_CO_USR_LAUNCH_RICH_TMPL | User Self Registration | Email that is sent to a System Administrator or any other Administrative or Business User after being invited (rich text). |
SM_CO_USR_SELFREG_TEMPLATE | User Self Registration | Same as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered. |
SM_CO_NTF_SELFREG_SUCCESS_TA | Notification about successfully self registering | Email sent to a System Administrator after self registering. |
SM_CO_USR_RESEND_RICH_TMPL | User Resend Self Registration | Email sent to a User when the invitation is re-sent (rich text). |
SM_CO_USR_RESEND_SELFREG_TMPL | User Resend Self Registration | Same as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_SELF_REG_SUCCESS | Notification about successfully self registering | Email sent to a User or New Hire after self registering. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_NEW_ROLE | New role assigned | Email sent to a User when a new role is assigned to the User. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ROLE_UNASGN | Role Unassigned | Email sent to a User when a new role is unassigned to the User. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ROLE | Role changed | Email sent to a User when their role is changed. |
SM_CO_INV_LAUNCH_RICH_TMPL | Self Registration details | Email sent to a New Hire when an invitation is launched (rich text). |
SM_CO_INV_SELFREG_TMPL | Self Registration details | Same as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered. |
SM_CO_INV_RESEND_RICH_TMPL | Resend: Self Registration details | Email sent to a New Hire when an invitation is re-sent. |
SM_CO_INV_RESEND_SELFREG_TMP | Resend: Self Registration details | Same as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered. |
SM_CO_INV_FORCE_COMPLETE | Force Complete | Email sent to New Hire when their onboarding process is forced to completion. |
SM_CO_INV_RESTART_ACTIVITY | On restart of an activity | Email sent to a New Hire when their onboarding activity is restarted. |
SM_CO_INV_RESTART_PROCESS_ADM | Process restart notification to the HR Admin | Email sent to the HR Admin/Specialist when process is restarted for a New Hire. |
SM_CO_INV_RESTART_PROCESS | Process restart notification to the New Hire | Email sent to a New Hire when process is restarted for their process. |
SM_CO_INV_TERMINATE_PROCESS | Terminate Process | Email sent to New Hire when their onboarding process is terminated. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ACC_UNLOCK | Notification about account unlock | Email sent to a User or New Hire when their account has been unlocked by an administrator. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ACC_LOCK | Notification about account lockout | Email sent to a User or New Hire when their account has been locked due to too many unsuccessful login attempts. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_EPIN_RST | Notification about ePIN reset. | Email sent to a User or New Hire when an administrator has requested that they change their e-Pin. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ACCOUNT_CHANGE | Notify Account Change | Email sent to a User or New Hire when they have changed their account information. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_CHLNG_QNS_CHNG | Notification about change in challenge questions | Email sent to a User or New Hire when they have changed their challenge questions. |
PRESCREEN_SUBMITTED_NOTIFY_HR | PreScreen Submitted - Notification to HR | Email sent to an HR administrator when a New Hire has submitted their pre-screen information. |
SM_OB_AWAITING_HR_COMPLETE | Onboarding Awaiting HR Complete | Email sent to a New Hire when HR has completed their review of pre-screening information. |
SM_OB_SUBMIT_FOR_REVIEW | Confirm on Submit for Review | Email sent to a New Hire when they have submitted their onboarding information for review. |
SUBMIT_TO_HR_NOTIFY | Submit to HR Notify | Email sent to an HR administrator when a New Hire has submitted their onboarding information for review. |
SM_I9_EV_NOTIFY_EMPLOYER | Notifying to Employer | Email sent to employer to Update SSN given by the New Hire and proceed with releasing Form I9 for E-Verification |
SM_OB_CAND_PACKET_REMINDER | Candidate Packet Reminder to Invitation Creator | Email sent to invitation creator regarding candidates who have not submitted their packet |
SM_OB_SUBMIT_TO_HR_REMINDER | Reminder about Submit to HR not done | Email sent to New Hires whose Submit to HR is not done and start date within 3 days |
SM_I9_REMOTEI9_ASSIGNMENT_TMPL | Notify assigned Section 2 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when Section 2 is assigned to them. |
SM_I9_REMOTEI9_UNDO_TMPL | Notify undo of assigned Section 2 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when an assigned Section 2 activity is cancelled. |
SM_I9_REMOTEI9_COMPLETION_TMPL | Notify completion of Section 2 activity | Email sent to the I-9 & E-Verify Admins on the completion of Section 2 activity by a Remote User. |
SM_I9_REMOTEI9_PUSHBACK_TMPL | Notify send back of Section 2 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when the Section 2 activity is sent back to them. |
SM_I9_RI9_S3_ASSIGNMENT_TMPL | Notify assigned Section 3 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when the Section 3 activity is assigned to them. |
SM_I9_RI9_S3_UNDO_TMPL | Notify undo of assigned Section 3 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when an assigned Section 3 activity is cancelled. |
SM_I9_RI9_S3_COMPLETION_TMPL | Notify completion of Section 3 activity | Email sent to the I-9 & E-Verify Admins on the completion of Section 3 activity by a Remote User. |
SM_I9_RI9_S3_PUSHBACK_TMPL | Notify send back of Section 3 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when the Section 3 activity is sent back to them. |
SM_CO_REL_INV_LAUNCH_RICH_TMPL | Related invitation launch | Email sent to a Proxy User with Self Registration details after an invitation is being launched (rich text). |
SM_CO_REL_INV_RESEND_RICH_TMPL | Resend related invitation | Email sent to a Proxy User when the invitation is re-sent (rich text). |
Notification Event Name | Description | ||
On Invitation Relaunch | When an HR Specialist or Recruiter completes the Resend Login action before the New Hire makes a User ID and password | ||
On Invitation Resend | When an HR Specialist or Recruiter completes the Resend Login action after the New Hire makes a User ID and password | ||
On Invitation Launch | When an HR Specialist or Recruiter Launches the New Hire's invitation | ||
On User Launch | When a System Administrator launches the Business User's invitation | ||
On User Relaunch | When a System Administrator completes the Resend Registration action before the Business User creates a User ID and password (to do this, a Business User must have their Invitation Launched) | ||
On User Resend Invite | When a System Administrator completes the Resend Registration action after the Business User creates a User ID and password (to do this, a Business User must have their Invitation Launched) | On User Launch | When a System Administrator launches the Business User's invitation|
Restart of invitee's first activity | When the HR Admin restarts invitee's process and Electronic Disclosure restarts | ||
Process Restart | Notification to both Admin and Invitee when the invitee's process restarted | ||
On Related Invitation Launch | When invitation is launched for inviting a proxy user | ||
On Related Invitation Resend | When invitation is relaunched for inviting a proxy user |
Login as the HR Specialist, click the keyword Search icon and search for the invitation that has been launched but not completed with self-registration. In the invitation actions, select the "Resend Welcome Email" option.
This action can also be performed via the invitation console actions. For more details, please click here.
Click "Yes" on the message to confirm the action.
Close the confirmation message.
The sample of the updated notification looks like below: