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The users Users with HR adminAdmin, I-9 Specialist, or E-Verify Specialist roles may can restart activities in the New Hire activitiesonboarding process, such as Employee Biographic Information or I-9 Section 1, if they identify any data that requires needs correction. When the restart action is performed by the adminan admin initiates a restart, the selected activity will be is reopened for the New Hire to edit update the previously entered information and resubmit it to the HR admin Admin for review and further processing.


When Employee Biographic Information is restarted, the New Hire you will receive a notification about the restarted activity through the following this via an email.

When the New Hire logs you log in into the system, the Biographic Information, I-9 Section 1, and Submit to HR activities will appear as pending under "Outstanding Tasks" on the homepage.By  By clicking on the "Biographic Information" link, the New Hire you can access and complete the pending Employee Biographic Information activity.


A sample Biographic Information page is shown below. After completing the Employee Biographic Information and Section 1, the New Hire you can submit the changes to HR admin for verification. This is how a restart EBI flow works when no changes are made to the home state in the address information.


If home or residence state is modified, there will be an impact on the downstream activities. Based on the modified residence state, the New Hire you must redo the tax forms and other payroll activities before submitting the onboarding information to HR.

Note: If the residence state is changed from a taxable state to


another taxable state,


the tax forms must be redone.


However, if a non-taxable residence state is changed to another non-taxable state


, there is no need to redo the tax forms




If a non-taxable


state is changed to a taxable state,


you must redo the tax forms.




chart below outlines the different combinations of these scenarios



Work statePrevious residence stateChanged residence stateWill restart tax forms?
TaxableNon TaxableTaxableYes
TaxableNon TaxableNon TaxableNo
Non TaxableNon TaxableNon TaxableNo
Non TaxableNon TaxableTaxableYes
Non TaxableTaxableNon TaxableYes
TaxableNon TaxableSame Taxable stateNo


In this example, Consider an example of changing the taxable home state "California" has been changed to another taxable state "Illinois". 


When the new address is entered and the "OK" button is clicked at the bottom of the page, the following message will be displayed if there is an impact on the tax forms. 


The new address populates on the Employee Biographic Information page. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page to save the address changes.

After completing the Employee Biographic Information, the process navigates will move to the Section 1 activity under the Payroll and Taxes section. The At this point, the tax forms will be editable but remain in the hold status.

After Once Section 1 is completed, the other activities, including the tax forms under the Payroll and Taxes section, will be become available for editing and completion.

The New Hire can make Make changes in Section 1 if as necessary, acknowledge and electronically sign. For more details on completing Section 1, please click here


After completing Section 1, the process routes moves to Pay Check Preferences. Complete this activity and proceed to tax forms.


The Federal and the State tax forms will be available for editing . The New Hire should complete and completion. Complete all forms under Payroll and Taxes and then submit the data to HR admin for verification and further processing.


When Section 1 is restarted, the New Hire you will receive a notification about the restarted activity via the following this via an email.

When the New Hire logs you log in into the system, the I-9 Section 1, and Submit to HR activities will appear as pending under "Outstanding Tasks" on the homepage.By  By clicking on the "I-9 Section 1" link, the New Hire you can access and complete the pending Section 1 activity.

New Hire's Home page


When Section 1 opens, the previously entered data will be available for editing. The New Hire can make changes as necessary, acknowledge and electronically sign to complete the activity. For more details on completing Section 1, please click here.

After finishing completing Section 1, the process will proceed move to the Submit to HR activity, where allowing the New Hire can to review and submit their onboarding details information to the HR/ I-9 Specialist for review. After Once the Submit to HR activity is finished, the New Hire's onboarding will be completedis complete, and the process will route proceed to the admin tasks.

Submit to HR


The preparers/translators used added in the prior process cannot be edited when the Section 1 activity is restarted; the preparer section will remain in read-only mode during the restarted process.If  If preparer assistance is needed, the New Hire should you can invite a preparer/translator and assign them the Section 1 activity.

Below is an example of a restarted Section 1 activity for a New Hire.:

If a new preparer has to be invited, use the "Invite New Preparer" button. 


For more details on inviting a Preparerpreparers/Translator translators and adding them in Section 1, please click here.
