Table of Contents |
If you live, work, or provide services for the Company in California, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oklahoma, or Washington and need a free copy of your background check report, then check the checkbox that is highlighted below and save.
Once the activity is saved, the form will be editable until the "Submit Pre-Screen Information" activity is completed.
Select any one option and click "Next".
Click on "Yes" or "No" for Other for Other Names. If If you resided in Puerto Rico, fill out the information, then click "Next".
Profile Information |
Enter either driving license or State ID information. The fields with asterisk are required.
Click the download symbol to review the Drug and Alcohol Test Policy. After reviewing, click the checkbox to acknowledge and electronically sign the form.
Drug and Alcohol Test Authorization
Select "Yes" or "No" whichever is appropriate to you. Click the checkbox to acknowledge and electronically sign the form.
This activity will be available once all the pre-screen activities are completed. Click the checkbox to acknowledge and electronically sign the form.
This page gives you a confirmation that you have finished Pre-Screening Activities.
End Screen of Pre-Screening Activities |
If your onboarding process had "hold" selected for Pre-Screen processing, you must wait for the HR Specialist to review the Pre-Screen information before you can proceed to the next onboarding activity.
Until the HR Specialist completes the process, you will not have access to the next activity (New Hire Forms).
Awaiting for HR Specialist to complete the Process |