The search fields can be used to filter the search results displaying in My Tasks console.
If the user role has permission to download search results, a "Download Filean "Export to Excel" button will be visible in the console. Clicking this button will start the download of the displayed search results as an Excel file to your local computer.
Here is an example of using the console to search by invitation Start Date and then downloading the search results file.
From the My Tasks console,, click the "View Process" link to open the process viewer to see which tasks have been completed. The lock symbolrepresents the activity is locked and not routed, theĀ icon represents the activity is routed/in progress but not completed andĀ symbolizes a completed activity.
This is a simple way of seeing an overview of where the New Hire is in their process, including the HR, I-9, and E-Verify Specialist's activities.