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Click the menu icon at the top left corner of the page, then select "Benefit Plans" under the Product Setup section in the navigation menu.

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This will navigate to the Define Benefit Plan page where you can create or manage Benefit Plans.


titleClick here to understand what each field means



  • A description that helps identify the Benefit Plan

Effective Date

  • The date when the Benefit Plan is effective
  • For new Benefit Plans the effective date should be current or future 

Policy Information

  • The policy that the Benefit Plan is associated with

Plan Classification

  • Plan Type: Category of the Benefit Plan
  • Benefit Plans categorized under the "Medical", "Dental" and "Vision" Plan Types will appear in the selection list for New Hires when they choose the respective plan type during the Benefits Enrollment activity.
  • Benefit Plans categorized under the "Life", "Accidental Death", "Long Term Disability", "Short Term Disability" and "Supplemental Life" Plan Types will appear in the selection list for New Hires when they choose the respective plan type during the Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.

  • Benefit Rate Type: The factor that influences the Benefit Plan rate

  • Premium Frequency: The regularity in which the premium is paid.

  • Currency Code: Code of a particular currency type

Rate Data

  • Information gathered to calculate the Benefit Plan rate. The fields displayed in the Rate Data section change with the Rate Type.
Rate TypeRate Data
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Covered Person
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Flat Rate
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Plan Documents

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  • Documents to support the Benefit Plan type. This is an optional field.
  • Lookup icon can be used to view the existing attachments.
  • All attachments that are added through Content Revision will show in the attachments lookup. Note: To ensure new attachments are available for the New Hire to download during Benefits Enrollment or Voluntary Benefits Enrollment, add the attachments/documents through Content Revision before creating the Benefit Plan. For more details on creating the Attachment IDs through Content Revision, please click here.
  • To add an attachment to the Benefit Plan, the attachment's effective date must be on or before the Benefit Plan's effective date. 
  • Attachments added to the Benefit Plan are downloadable for the New Hire during Benefits Enrollment/Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity. However, the availability of the Benefit Plan and its attachments during the Benefits Enrollment/Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity depends on the effective dates of the attachment, Benefit Plan, Benefit Program, and the New Hire's start date. 
  • Attachments included in the Benefit Plan cannot be deleted or modified if the Benefit Plan has already been used in the Benefits Enrollment/Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity by any New Hire.


For a Benefit Plan with the Plan Type "Accidental Death" and a Benefit Rate Type selected as "Compensation", the "Compensation Multiples" entered in the Rate Data section of the Benefit Plan correspond to the values available in the "Coverage" dropdown during the New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.

Define Benefit Plan page - Plan Type "Accidental Death"  and Rate Type = Compensation
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New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment


For a Benefit Plan with the Plan Type "Accidental Death" and a Benefit Rate Type selected as "Compensation", the "Coverage" entered in the Rate Data section of the Benefit Plan correspond to the values available in the "Coverage" dropdown during the New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.

Define Benefit Plan page - Plan Type = Accidental Death and Rate Type = Covered person
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New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment

Note: For a Benefit Plan with the Plan Type "Accidental Death" and a Benefit Rate Type selected as "Age" or "Flat Rate", the details entered in the Rate Data section of the Benefit Plan will not populate the values in the "Coverage" dropdown during the New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.
Instead, the coverage rate must be entered manually by the New Hire in this activity.

Sample Rate Data section when Rate Type selected as "Age" or "Flat Rate" are given below:

Rate Type = Age
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Rate Type = Flat Rate
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New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment


A new row with a later date (in this case "03/02/2023") as the effective date is added. 

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When changing the effective date of the new row, ensure it is set to a current or future date.


Following error will be displayed when the effective date of the new row is greater than the maximum effective date of the prior row but less than the current date:

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Additionally, ensure that no two rows of the Benefit Plan have the same effective date. If the Benefit Plan is saved with duplicate effective dates, the following error will be displayed on the page:


Open the corresponding Benefit Plan and select the "Correct History" button at the bottom. To add a new attachment, click "Add Document". This will add a row for adding a new attachment.

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Click on the Attachment ID lookup for the new row and select the attachment. Ensure that the effective date of the attachment is earlier than the effective date of the Benefit Plan to successfully add it.

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Attachments lookup

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The selected attachment will appear on the Define Benefit Plan page. After making the necessary changes, click the "Save" button.

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Note: Attachments on the Benefit Plan cannot be deleted or modified if the Benefit Plan has already been used in the Benefits Enrollment/Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity by any New Hire. However, other details of the Benefit Plan setup, such as Policy Information, Plan Classification, and Rate Data, can still be modified. If you need to delete or modify attachments, you can do so by adding a new effective-dated row in the corresponding Benefit Plan.

Consider a New Hire's flow in which the Benefits Enrollment activity is completed with Medical Benefit Plan: "MEDICAL - BRONZE PLAN". Since this plan has already been used by a New Hire in their Benefits Enrollment, the attachment associated to this plan cannot be modified or deleted in the corresponding Benefit Plan setup page. However, other aspects of the Benefit Plan can still be updated.

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The associated attachment will be in the display only mode when you access the setup page for the above Benefit Plan. The add/delete actions cannot be performed on this attachment. The details of other sections will be in edit mode and can be modified as needed,

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In case you want to modify the existing attachment in the above Benefit Plan, then add a new effective dated row. This will allow you to add/delete the existing attachment(s).

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How to add multiple Benefit Plans in the New Hire's Benefits Enrollment activity?
