Table of Contents |
What is Organization Insight?
My Company/Organization Insight shows displays the following metrics related to your organization. This includes:
organization-related metrics:s
- Invitation status
- Count of Business Users and Administrative Users
- Pending
- tasks
- Number of
- content items and internal data
- Attributes list, count, and data
Who can access Organization Insight?
System Administrators are the only users who have access to Users with the System Administrator role can access Organization Insight.
How do you access Organization Insight?
Click on the Menu icon and then menu icon in the top left corner of the page, scroll down to Reports/Dashboards. Then click , and select "Organization Insight" in the menu navigation.
You can also access Organization Insight by clicking the "My Company" link in the Quick Links bar below the homepage image.
What does Organization Insight consists of?
Organization Insight consists of the graphs related to onboarding status, users and roles, and the pending tasks associated with the process, along with charts for content metrics and attributes.
Hovering over any segment of the graph or chart shows the count within for each category. Clicking on the segment allows users you to view the data and download it as an Excel file, provided that your role has the export facility is permitted for the user's logged-in role. permission. Additional information on downloading data to excel Excel will be provided covered in the subsequent sections.
Clicking on a segment presents a popup page with the data related to that segment. The popup page will include the Click any segment to view the related data. The data will appear in a pop-up window with an "Export to Excel" button if the logged-in user's role has been set up with the data export capability. Clicking on the , provided your role has data export permissions.
Click "Export to Excel" button will to download the results as an excel Excel file to the your local computer.
The A sample downloaded excel file will look like is given below:
To view invitation details of any specific invitation, click on its corresponding Invitation ID link.
This will display the summary page for the corresponding invitation. Again, click The data displayed in the pop-up window includes links for further drill-down into segment-specific details. For example, clicking a segment in Pending Tasks presents invitation data. Selecting an Invitation ID link allows you to access the invitation summary and view detailed invitation information.
A sample summary page of an invitation is given below. Clicking on the Invitation ID link on the summary page will allow you to view the invitation details.
Note: Information on the invitation Invitation details can be changed modified if the invitation status allows changes.
Content Metrics Chart
The Content Metrics chart shows counts displays the count for each content type of content in the system. Click on any of the Click on a content type to see the list of all content view a list and internal data related to that type.
For instanceexample, clicking on the selecting "Notification Templates" link displays a popup with the opens a pop-up displaying a list of all available Notification Templates present in the system.
Content Metrics Chart |
The popup page will include the pop-up page includes an "Export to Excel" button if the logged-in user's your role has been set up with the data export capability. For more details on downloading the data through export functionality, please refer to the preceding sectionpermissions. This allows you to download the data as an Excel file to your local computer.
Clicking on any content presents the details of that content displays its details in read-only mode.
Content Metrics Chart |
Content Metrics Chart |
Similarly, you can also see the details of the process related data by clicking on their links. For instance, clicking on the "The Process States " link displays a popup with link in the Content Metrics allows you to view the list of all Process States present in the systemprocess states and its data.
Click on any specific Process State to see its details. Additionally, the The process states can be downloaded as an excel by clicking on the "Export to Excel" button. This button will be available only if the logged-in user's your role has been set up with the data export capability.
Click on the Process State link to open its internal data.
Attributes Chart
The Attributes chart shows counts for each attribute in the systemthe attributes list and their counts.
Attributes Chart |
Clicking on an attribute presents a popup with the details related to that attribute. For example, clicking opens a pop-up window displaying a list of values available in the system for the selected attribute. For example, selecting "Business Unit" will present show all Business Units Unit values in the system.
The pop-up window will also include an "Export to Excel"
if your role has data export permissions. To further drill down into the data, click on the
Attribute Description link.
Attributes Chart |