Versions Compared


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This section documents the I-9 and E-Verify process as part of the Smart Onboarding solution. While the processing steps are similar, some of the employee and employer interactions are different and identified in this section. For detailed information and instructions on these steps, please refer to the corresponding information in the preceding sections. For more information on Smart Onboarding, please refer to the Smart Onboarding product documentation.

In this example, the employee fills out Section 1 of the I-9 form as part of the Onboarding process. Some of the information required for Section 1 was completed prior to the Enter I-9 step, either by the employer/recruiter as part of the invitation, or by the employee. This information is prepopulated into the Smart I-9 page. The employee can change it there, if necessary, and then continue with the remaining activities. Image Removed


I-9 Information
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Earlier activities in the Smart Onboarding have been completed. The employee is now at the "Enter I-9" activity. Information for the top part of Section 1 has been prepopulated based on earlier activities. Image Removed


I-9, Section 1 Information and Electronic Acknowledgement Completed
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The employee has completed the remaining Section 1 information, electronically signed the form, and completed Electronic Acknowledgement.

The I-9 ID has been assigned.

The Enter I-9 activity has been marked as complete.

Once the employee or new hire has completed Section 1 of the I-9 form, completed the Electronic Acknowledgement, and completed the remaining steps in the Onboarding process through Submit to HR, the employer (i.e. HR or Organization representative) who is responsible for processing the I-9 and E-verify can proceed with the review and verification process for the employee through the My Task console. Image Removed


My Tasks – Select Verify I-9 Task
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The administrator has several tasks to complete for this employee.

Click the Verify I-9 task. Image Removed


Employee I-9 Information
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The employee's I-9 information is displayed. Image Removed


Complete Section 2
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Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Add the employee's document information, attach documents if they were not attached previously, sign the form, and save. Image Removed


Initiate E-Verify and Finalize the Verify I-9 Activity
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Once the information has been entered and saved, the user can mark this activity as completed by clicking the Finalize E-Verify icon.

The remaining steps in the E-Verify process are the same as in standalone Smart E-Verify.