For the standalone solution, E-Verify components are centralized in Smart Solutions/E-Verify. The E-Verify tab is accessed by navigation from the PeopleSoft Home Page as shown in the figure below.
Navigation to E-Verify
Form I-9 and E-Verify
The Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 is a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) form. It is used by an employer to verify an employee's identity and to establish that the worker is eligible to accept employment in the United States.
I-9 Section 1 Information Not Yet Completed
Section 1 - Basic Employee Information
The employer should make sure that 'Section 1' of Form I-9 is completed in its entirety with all required details. Fields with an "*" are mandatory to be completed. Fields that do not have an asterisk may be completed, or may be left empty. If the information for these fields is known, it should be entered. Note that clicking or hovering over a "?" will provide additional information about the field. Also note that clicking the "See Instructions" link will display a page from the USCIS with a description of how the form should be completed.
Note that in this case the employee's Social Security number is incorrect, and will not match SSA records.
Authorization/Electronic Signature
This is the employee's attestation for Employment Authorization
I-9 Section 1 Information Authorized
Attach Documents
Documents can be attached by the employee or employer while completing Section 1 information, or they can be attached by the employer later, when completing Section 2 information. In this example, the employee attaches the documents (a copy of his Driver's License and his Social Security card) at this point in the process.
Click OK to save the attachments and go back to the I-9 Form.
Acknowledge and Assign the I-9 ID number
Electronic Acknowledgement
The I-9 ID number is generated. This number is unique, to distinguish E-Verify cases from each other.
Completing Section 2
Employers must complete Section 2 of Form I-9 in its entirety within three days of the employee's date of hire (the hire date represents the first day of work). To complete Section 2, first examine the documents presented by the employee that establish his or her identity and employment authorization.
Navigate to the I-9 E-Verify Console
To review the data that was entered by (or for) an employee on Form I-9, the employer needs to navigate to the I-9 E-Verify Console and ensure the accuracy of the data and the attached supportive documents.
Click the I-9 ID hyperlink (in the summary area).
Check I-9 Information – Switch View
The I-9 form is displayed.
Click Click Here to select the Supporting documents.
Supporting Documents Submitted by Employee
Supporting Documents submitted by the employee are used to determine (or support) two factors - employee identity and employee employment eligibility.
List B and List C Document Types
Validity of Supporting Documents
Once the type of Supporting Document(s) is selected, the validity of the supporting document(s) is checked. In a later stage of the process, this check includes matching against the records in SSA and DHS systems.
Document Numbers and Expiration Date
Attestation and Hire Date
The employer must attest and certify the truthfulness and validity of the data in the documents provided by the employee, to authorize employment in the U.S.
Save Confirmation
Click OK.
Print I-9 Form
At any point in the process, you can print a copy of the I-9 form with the information that has been entered up to that point.
Click I Agree, then click Sign and Continue.
Initiate E-Verify
Once all the data and documents of the employee have been reviewed, validated and attested by the employer, the E-Verify process can be initiated. The employee case is submitted by the employer for verification to the SSA and/or DHS system.
Click Initiate E-Verify to initiate the I-9 verification process.
Initial Case Results
In this example, the employee's Social Security number did not match the SSA records. This resulted in an SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation Notice (TNC).
SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation
Employee TNC Email
When the SSA or DHS creates a TNC, the E-Verify process sends an email to the employee advising them that this has been completed, and their options for moving their verification process forward. Below is an example of the email that was sent.
SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation Email
Print the Further Action Notice
The next step in the process is to print the SSA Further Action Notice (FAN), so it can be available when discussing the employee's options.
SSA Further Action Notice
Click Print Notice.
Discuss the TNC with the Employee and Confirm Employee Notification
The next step in the process is to discuss the TNC with the employee and make sure he understands his options.
After the discussion has been completed, click Confirm Employee Notification.
Click Next.
Close Case
In this example, the employee chose not to contest the TNC. The case is then closed.
Close Case
Employee's Employment Status
In this example, the employer terminated the employee.