- The first is being the administrator – entering the required information for employees based on their I-9 (if the employer chooses to not have employees do this themselves), verifying the accuracy of the employee’s information and documents, and administering the process of verification of employment eligibility with USCIS.
- The second is creating general user roles for their employees, so the employees can enter their own I-9 information. Their functionalities include creating/unlocking/closing user accounts (both of the employer and the employee), maintaining users, and the ability to view reports.
The Form I-9 contains the following sections:
- Section 1 – Employee Employee Information and Attestation.
- The hard copy of this section is completed by the employee. It may be entered into the information system by the employee or the employer. Some information in this section can be pre-completed based on the interfacing system (PeopleSoft HRMS, Smart Onboarding, or Oracle Fusion HCM).
- Section 2 – Employer Employer Review and Verification.
- This section is completed by the employer after reviewing the employee’s documents.
- Section 3 – Reverification Reverification and Rehires.
- This section is completed by the employer when an employee is rehired, or if an employee’s information expires and his employment eligibility requires reverification.
As an I-9 moves through the process, the case Status and Sub-Status change. These are shown in the heading of the I-9 pages. The Status and Sub-Status are also referred to as the I-9 State.
I-9 Status values:
- Initial – I I-9 has been created, but has not yet been submitted to E-Verify
- DHS – I I-9 has been submitted to E-Verify
The employer can choose to click the Reverify button or the Close Case button.
To submit the employee's case to SSA again, without correcting the Social Security #, click the Reverify button. An I-9 ID Status confirmation page is displayed. Note that if the information was incorrect, this is an opportunity to correct it before clicking the Reverify button.
Note:- Clicking the Close Case button will close the current employee case.
Note: - Click the Case Number hyperlink, to check the E-Verify Case Details. Click the Return button to return to the main page.
The employee must be notified of this result as soon as possible. Click the Confirm Employee Notification button. An email of the SSA TNC notification will be sent to the employee (email ID mentioned in the I-9 form). Click the Print Notice button to print the Further Action Notice. A PDF file format of the notification is displayed. Click Next.
A copy of the SSA Further Action Notice is also sent to the employee's email ID that was specified on the I-9 form.
Note: - When notified of the SSA TNC, the employee chooses to contest or not contest the case result. In either case, the employee acknowledges his or her decision on the SSA Further Action Notice. When an employee chooses to contest an SSA TNC, the employee is required to visit an SSA field office within 8 Federal Government working days to resolve the TNC.
If the employee has chosen to contest the SSA TNC, refer the case to SSA by clicking "Refer Case". 'Refer Case' submits a request to SSA to redo the E-Verify process of that employee.
Note:- An employee who chooses to contest the SSA TNC must visit an SSA field office within 8 Federal Government working days to begin resolving the TNC. The Employer must provide the Referral Date Confirmation from E-Verify to the employee. The Referral Date Confirmation provides the date by which the employee must visit SSA. The employee must bring the SSA TNC Further Action Notice when he or she visits an SSA field office.
The employee must be notified of this result as soon as possible. Click the Confirm Employee Notification button. An email of the DHS TNC notification will be sent to the employee (email ID specified in the I-9 form). Click the Print Notice button to print the notification. A PDF file format of the notification is displayed for the notification. Click Next.
Note:- When notified of the DHS TNC, the employee chooses to contest or not contest the case result. In either case, the employee acknowledges his or her decision on the DHS TNC Further Action Notice. When an employee chooses to contest a DHS TNC, the employee is responsible for contacting DHS within 8 Federal Government working days.
A copy of the DHS Further Action Notice is also sent to the employee's email ID that was specified on the I-9 form.
If the employee has chosen to contest the DHS TNC, refer the case to DHS by clicking "Refer Case". 'Refer Case' submits a request to DHS to redo the E-Verify process of that employee.
Note:- An employee who chooses to contest the DHS TNC must contact DHS within 8 Federal Government working days to begin resolving the TNC. The employer must provide the Referral Date Confirmation from E-Verify to the employee. The Referral Date Confirmation provides the date by which the employee must call DHS. The employee must have the DHS TNC Further Action Notice when he or she calls DHS.