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Table of Contents

What is My Profile?

My profile Profile is a page that allows any user to manage change their account information.  All system users can perform various self service activities at any point during their onboarding process. 

My Profile

ItemItem NameDescription

Change PasswordAllows the user to Change their password

Change e-Pin

Allows the user to Change their e-Pin

Manage Challenge QuestionsAllows the user to manage their challenge questions

Change Name

Allows the user to change their biological information

Change EmailAllows the user to change their email address

Change Phone NumberAllows the user to change their phone number


When can My Profile be accessed?

How do you access My Profile?

Select My Profile can be accessed at any time.

How can My Profile be accessed?

There are two ways to access My Profile.  Either method can be used.

  1.  Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen on the navigation bar


  1. .  Select My Profile from the drop-down


  1. list.
Name Dropdown


2. Click the Menu icon.  Click My Profile.

Menu Dropdown

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can you change your user security information?


You can change your


Passwords are able to be edited by any user at any point during the onboarding process.  A user with the Help Desk role also has the ability to change user passwords if a user is locked out or forgets their password.

Go to My Profile by selecting the menu icon in the top right hand of the screen and select the link to My Profile.  You can also get to My Profile by clicking on your user name and selecting My Profile from the drop-down list.


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user security information on the My Profile page.

How to change your password

Navigate to the My Profile page.

Click Change Password.

My Profile



On the The Change Password page , click Edit and type in your new desired password.  Changes take place after clicking Save at the bottom of the pageis presented.  Click Edit.  Enter your Current Password, your New Password, then re-enter your new password for Confirm Password.  The new password must conform to the password rules.  Click Save.

An email is sent notifying you that changes that have been made to your account.

Change Password



How to change your e-Pin

Navigate to the My Profile and page.

Click change Change e-Pin.

My Profile



On the The Change e-Pin page , click Edit and type in your new desired e-Pin.  Changes take place after clicking Save at the bottom of the presented.  Click Edit.  Enter your Current e-PIN, your New e-PIN, then re-enter your new e-Pin for Confirm e-PIN.  The new e-Pin must conform to the e-Pin rules.  Click Save.

An email is sent notifying you that changes that have been made to your account.

Manage Challenge Questions

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Change e-Pin



How to manage your challenge questions

Navigate to the My Profile and clickpage.

Click Manage Challenge Questions.

My Profile



On the The Manage Challenge Questions page , select Edit to change your questions and answers.  Changes take place after clicking Save at the bottom of the screenis presented.

Click Edit.  Change your Questions and Answers.  When your changes are complete, click Save. 

An email is sent notifying you that changes that have been made to your account.

Manage Challenge Questions





can you change your user profile information?

How to change your name and email information

Navigate to the My Profile and find the Name and Email pane.  From here you are able to edit your First, Middle and Last name as well as your email address and phone number.  When changing your email and phone number you will need to verify the newly entered address.  This is done through a confirmation email that is sent after you hit save at the bottom of the screenpage.  You can change your name, email, and phone information.  If you change your Preferred Email Address or your Preferred Phone Number you are sent a code for verification.  

When your changes are complete, click Save.

An email is sent notifying you that changes that have been made to your account.

My Profile Page



How to change your address information

Navigate to My Profile and find the Address pane.  From here you are able to edit your Home and Mailing Address.  Changes take place after clicking Save at the bottom of the screenthe My Profile page.  You can change your address information.  

When your changes are complete, click Save.

An email is sent notifying you that changes that have been made to your account.

My Profile Page