Enter your Current Password, New Password, and re-enter your new password for Confirm Password. The new password must conform to the password rules.
Click Save.
Change Password |
(need to add a screenshot showing data completely entered with the Save button) |
An email is sent listing the changes that have been made to your account
Enter your Current e-PIN, your New e-PIN, then re-enter your new e-Pin for Confirm e-PIN. The new e-Pin must conform to the e-Pin rules.
Click Save.
Change e-Pin |
(need to add a screenshot showing data completely entered with the Save button) |
An email is sent listing the changes that have been made to your account
Change your Questions and Answers. When your changes are complete, click Save.
Manage Challenge Questions |
(need to add a screenshot showing data completely entered with the Save button) |
An email is sent listing the changes that have been made to your account.
Navigate to the My Profile page. You can change your name, email, and phone information. If your organization's Authentication Scheme has Two Factor authentication enabled, when you change your Preferred Email Address or your Preferred Phone Number you are sent a code to enter to verify the email address or phone..