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Table of Contents


Onboarding begins with an invitation to complete their onboarding.  The invitation contains the New Hire's name, address, phone number, email ID and job details and is prepared by a Recruiter or HR Specialist.  After this data is entered an email is sent to the New Hire with instructions on how to proceed.

Where is


the New Hire invitation in the onboarding process?

The entire onboarding process begins with the invitation and email that is generated.  The New Hire will receive receives the email and use uses self registration to create a User Name and Password for the system.  This step is usually completed prior to the New Hire becoming an employee, so it is usually sent to the New Hire's personal email.  If possible, we want them to have all of their paperwork completed before their first day on the job.    

The New Hire will then complete completes a series of activities that include biographical information entry and acknowledgement of organization policies and procedures.  This will also include includes tax form completion based on their home and work locations.  After they complete the New Hire completes those steps the I-9/E-Verify Specialists will verify the New Hire's employment eligibility.  Last the HR Specialist will review reviews the information to ensure it's correct before completing the process by entering or interfacing the data into the organization's HR system.

On Boarding Business Process Flow


Why is


the New Hire invitation needed in the onboarding process?

The invitation is the foundation of the pnboarding onboarding process.  It defines the New HIre Hire and provides the proper elements to drive which activities need to be accomplished by the New Hire.


  • Menu Icon
  • All authorized users can use the Menu icon to access the Create Invitation Link.
  • Quick Links*
  • If you are an HR Specialist or Recruiter you can use the Create Invitation link provided on the home page.
  • *Note: your organization can remove this link but it is provided as part of our delivered home page.

Screen Shot Screenshot examples:

1) Use Click the Menu Icon and then select Create Invitation.

Menu Icon with links: Always available for Recruiter and HR Specialist



Quick Links: Appear somewhere on the Homepage





is the content of a New Hire invitation?

The New Hire invitation has 3 pages with multiple parts per page.  These sections will be are explained in more detail in the following section(s).  Once you complete this these 3 sections you will be ready to save the invitation and can 'launch' the onboarding process, which will kick off sends an email to the New Hire.


All data entered on this page will be is pre-populated into the New Hire profile.  If any information is The New Hire can add or correct any missing or incorrect , the New Hire will have an opportunity to correct it information during the onboarding process.  The more accurately the data is captured, the better experience the New Hire will have.  

Personal Information Page




After Personal Data is entered, click Next on the bottom right of the page to access the Job Information Page.


Job Information Page

 Job information is used to capture the Start Date and various other data elements that will drive the onboarding process.  For example, New Hires in different locations will be presented with different tax forms based on the country or state.


These 4 fields can be used to drive onboarding activities but they can also be used to segragate data   For example, you can set up a recruiter that can only select specific Departments or an HR administrator that can only verify data from certain Business Units.  The data entered here will determine which Users business users can see this New Hire's data.


  1. Click View Invitation if you want.  This will take you back to review or launch the current invitation.
  2. Click on the menu item to navigate anywhere you want.  Click Create Invitation to create a new invitation.
  3. Click the Home icon to return to the home page.

What else can


you do on a New Hire invitation?

Create and Use Template (Optional part of the invitation process)


Note: if you entered any data already, it will not be overridden by the template values.

How do


you Launch the invitation after saving the invitation?

The last step to complete is to 'Launch' the invitation.  Launching the invitation will start the New Hire (Candidate) onboarding process and send an email the New Hire (Candidate) with instructions on how to Self Register.  You will want to navigate to the Candidate Console to launch any invitations.  There are 2 ways:  Launch from the invitation or launch from the Candidate Console.


  • New Hire (Candidate)'s onboarding process is started.
  • Email is sent to New Hire (Candidate).
  • Entire All invitation information is deleted from the system.
