Versions Compared


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Manage Revisions/ Add/Update Revision

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From the Create Revision screen, the Administrative User is able to choose between creating a new Content Revision or editing an existing Content Revision.  

To create a new Content Revision, click Add a New Value at the top of the screen.  To edit an existing content revision, click Search and choose the desire revision from the drop down list.  There can be many Content Revisions that are 'in progress'.

Create Revision

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For 'Type', select Content.  'As of Date' is the effective date for the revision you are about to create.  If you wish to add multiple items with different effective dates, you must create separate revisions.  Click Reserve to create the revision and click Configure to go into the revision to make .

Manage Revision

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Click Configure to enter your changes. 

Manage Revision

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Step 2 -


Modify the supplemental attribute Smart Form

On the 'Manage Content Revision' screenpage, click Review/Modify under Smart Forms.  All supplemental data for an attribute will be added through the use of Smart Forms.  Smart Forms allow Administrative Users to include input forms in the system, attaching the entered values to binds that can be used throughout the process.

Manage Content Revision

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On the Smart Form lookup page, select the desired Smart Form for the attribute you wish to add supplemental data.  There exists a Supplemental Data Smart Form for each Master Attribute you have defined in the system.  In this example, we will be adding Supplemental Data to a Company Attribute.   

Smart Forms

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On the Define Smart Form page, the Administrative User is able to add Form Fields to their page, allowing users to enter their own supplemental data.  


On Define Form Fields, click Add a New Value in order to create a new Form Field.  If you have already created a form field, you can view and modify existing form fields by using the search function below.

Define Form Field

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On the Define Form Field Page, enter a Field Description and select the desired Field Type.  The Form Field changes the accepted input field type.  In this example, we are adding a Character for the name of the Company Manager.

Define Form Field

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* if you wish to have a single character input, you do not need to fill out the Translate Table Values section.  This section is strictly for creating a Drop Down selection.


Return to the Define Smart Form screen and click , clear the "Add supplemental field here" text, and click Insert Form Field to attach your Form Field to the Smart Form.

Define Smart Form

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From the Insert Form Field popup screen, select the Desired Input Type and Form Field that you wish to attach to the Smart Form.  You can choose to make this Form Field mandatory as well as change the label that will be attached to the input type.  Click OK.   

Insert Form Field

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Click OK to add the Form Field to the Smart Form.  Repeat Repeat this process for as many Form Fields you would like to attach to the current Smart Form.  Resize the field(s) if necessary, then click Save.

Define Smart Form

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Click Save at the bottom of the screen when you are done creating/attaching Smart Forms.  

Step 3 - Apply the Content Revision

From the Manage Cotent Revision screen, click Return to Manage Revision in order to apply the changes you have made during this revision.

Manage Content Revision

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On the Manage Revision page, the Administrative User is able to 'Apply' or 'Withdraw' the revision.  Applying will push the changes you made in the revision to the master tables, reflecting the changes you made throughout the system.  Withdrawing will discard the revision causing all of the changes you made in the revision to be discard and thus not reflected in the system.

Manage Revision

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Step 4 - Create or modify a Process Revision
