What is a PDF Template?
PDF is a type of file format that is widely used for consistent formatting and the ability to simply view a form. A PDF Template is a fillable form that can be pre-populated /automatically filled using the previous data that was filled out. They are also known as Dynamic PDF Forms. entered previously. These are especially important for government required forms that need to be stored. You must provide or download a fillable PDF in order to add and use it in your system (. if you have a PDF that you want to make fillable, there are programs that you can find online; there . There are also downloadable fillable PDFs online).
Adding a PDF Template is similar to adding an image, in which you must upload them that they must be uploaded into your own system in order to use them anywhere in the onboarding process.
To use the added a PDF Template that was added, they it must be a part of a Smart Form and then applied to the business process through configuration.
Click on Configure.
Click on Add on the PDF Templates tile.
Manage Content Revision Page |
Put Enter a Description and then click Upload.
PDF Template Form Page |
File Attachment Box |
You can click on View on View if you want would like to see how it the PDF would look like in another tab.
However, it will preview The form also previews below.
PDF Template Form Page |
The blue boxes are selectable in order for them to become pre-populated using binds.
Click on one.
Note: the yellow came with the PDF Form as an indicator of important fields, and the white boxes must be manually filled entered during the onboarding process if they are required fields.
Click on Given Name.
PDF Template Form Page |
After clicking on one, this one being Given Name:
Click The Lookup binds popup is presented.
Navigate through the list of binds, then click on one of the binds , such as "that has the data that you want to show in this field. Click First Name Last Name."
Lookup Binds BoxPopup |
The ones Any fields that have had a bind inserted (becoming pre-poppulated populated fields) will turn green.
PDF Template Form Page |
If you scroll down to the bottom of this the Content Revision page, you can see the summary of what you modified.
In the PDF Templates box, there will also be the number of individual checklists templates that were changed.
Manage Content Revision Page |
Click on Return to Manage Revision.
Click on Apply.
Manage Revision Page |
The new PDF Template is available to be used in the onboarding process.
How do you modify a PDF Template?
You should modify a PDF Template when the PDF needs to be updated, changed, or renamed. Modifying allow you to change the descriptionDescription, the entire PDF, and pre-populated field binds.
Create a Content Revision or modify a Content Revision that is In Progress.
Click on Review/Update in the PDF Templates boxtile.
Manage Content Revision Page |
Click on the Content Name that correlates to the PDF Template you want to modify.
PDF Templates Page |
Modify anything you need: Description, Upload, or blue boxes
Change any information/details that requires changes.
PDF Template Form Page |
Then After the changes have been made, click Save.
Click on Return.
Create a Content Revision or modify a Content Revision that is In Progress.
Click on Add on the Smart Forms tile.
Manage Content Revision Page |
Fill out Enter the blue boxed required fields.
Select PDF Template for Print Source.
Click on the lookup icon for PDF Template.
Define Smart Form Page |
Select a PDF Template.
Look Up PDF Template Box |
You can view the PDF Template by clicking on the box with the arrow going out of it, right next to the file name.
You need to type something into the text editorEnter text to be presented to the user.
Click on Save.
Define Smart Form Page |
How do you add a PDF Template to the onboarding process?
Add After the PDF Template has been added to a Smart Form, and then create a Process Revision or modify an In Progress Process Revision to include the Smart Form in the process.
Click on Edit.
Revision Configuration Page |
Click on any Add under the Onboarding activity onboarding step that you want the PDF Template/Smart Form to show upappear.
Define Business Process Rules Page |
Select the Smart Form that you created for the PDF Template.
Click on the Check the Select box for the one(s) that you added. Then click OK.
Select Actions Page |
Anchor | ||||
The PDF Template will show up shows under the Onboarding activity. Click on the Smart Form that you just added.
There are two options: Always Route and Route if criteria is met.
'Route if criteria is met ' refers to being more specific on allows you to limit who can see the PDF Template, and therefore who it affectsactivity in their onboarding process.
Always Route means that it will always show up in that section for the specific for all users in the Participant Pool.
If you want to be more specific, click on In this example, check Route if criteria is met and go to the next step.
Action Details Page |
Select Attributes will appear and you can click on any of the Master Attributes in order for it to expand (seen below with Business Unit).
Then you can select one of the categories if you want it to only affect that specific attribute.
For example, if you select Business Unit with specific Attribute ID value, only the New Hires (specified by the Content Revision) having that value will have to complete the PDF Template. Others would not see the PDF Template form.
Click on OK after clicking on the attribute.
If you do not want to specify using attributes, but want it to appear for everyone in that participant pool, go to the next step.
When you want the PDF Template to always show up for the respective Participant Pool in that step of the process, regardless of other criteria, click Always Route.
Click on Save.
Criteria for routing can be entered. The criteria can be as complex as you would like. In this example, only New Hires in Business Unit 00001 will see the PDF Template activity in their onboarding process.
Click on Save after specifying all of the criteria.
Select Attributes Box |
Back on the Business Process Rules page, scroll down and click Save.
Available Actions Page |
Scroll down on the Content Security Information Page and click Save.