Click on an attribute for which you would like the Security Group to have access.
Smart I-9 DHS Client Setup PageManage Security Groups |
Click Add to add an entry for a new Security Group.
Smart I-9 DHS Client Setup PageManage Security Groups |
Enter a Description for the Security Group. Click the lookup icon for Attribute ID.
Smart I-9 DHS Client Setup PageDefine Security Group |
Select an Attribute value to be included in the Security Group.
Smart I-9 DHS Client Setup PageLook Up Attribute ID |
Click the Add icon to add another Attribute value for the Security Group.
Smart I-9 DHS Client Setup PageDefine Security Group |
Repeat the lookup process, selecting a different Attribute value.
After all values have been added, click Save.
Smart I-9 DHS Client Setup PageDefine Security Group |
The new Security Group now shows for the Attribute.
Smart I-9 DHS Client Setup PageManage Security Groups |
You can add the same Security Group to other Attributes, if desired. You can add as many Security Groups as you would like to any attribute(s).