What are Attribute Preferences?
The Attribute preferences Preferences page allow allows users to control the attributes that are being used in the Smart Onboarding process. The users Users can customize the attributes depending on their preference.
This includes activating and inactivating the attributes, rearranging their order, controlling which attributes will be show on a new hire's invitation and which will be show on the Complete Job Details page for HR Specialists, allowing contextual content on certain attributes, selecting the attributes to control the Homepage category driven content and Row Level security, and controlling the display of address.
If you want the attributes to be show in a different order when selecting criteria in an invitation or during any configuration, you can rearrange the attributes here.
On the left side of the page, you can change the name of an attribute by inputting entering a word under Override Label. This will change the attribute's name throughout the system
You can select the attributes that you want to see on a new hire invitation in case you need specific ones. You can unselect if you don't need want them on the invitation.
Check the boxes under Invitation Field in order for those attributes to be used on a New Hire invitation.
If you do not want all of the provided attributes to be filled out entered by the HR Specialist on the last step of reviewing a new hire's job details, you can deselect the attributes to remove them.
The Complete Job Details page looks like thisis shown below. The Job Information section matches the attributes on the attribute preferences Attribute Preferences page that are selected under CJD Field.
Under CJD Field, you can select or deselect any of the attribute types. CJD stands for Complete Job Details.
Note that the The invitation fields that are not selected will be blank for the HR Specialist to fill out, while the ones that are checked will have that information filled in from the new hire invitation page.
In some cases, you may want entry of an attribute to be required. For example, if you have Homepage content that is specific to a Location, Location should be required. In other cases, entry of an attribute may be optional.
You can specify that entry of an attribute is required by checking on the Required box. If it is optional, do not check the box.
Note that if User Security Allowed is checked on, the attribute is always required, and hence the Required box has to be checked on.
Contextual Content includes Company Policies and Company Benefits. These can be customizable for specific attributes. You can have them specified by certain attributes. For example, if you want a specific policy to show up only for when the Company is Real Estate, you can do that by creating a Process Revision.
Here is how it looks like to add Contextual Below is an example of adding Contextual Content. The paper with a P in it is for Company Policies, and the person next to that (with a stethoscope) is for Company Benefits.
Homepage Category driven content allows you to select a particular attribute and branch to specifically change their homepage. For example, if you wanted to show different photos on each company's homepage, it is possible through a process revision. This means you can give Research, Retail, Manufacturing, Real Estate, and Services all different Companies different photos on their homepage.
Back on the Attribute Preferences page, you may can unselect any of these attributes in order for those not be able to control the Homepage Category driven content.