What are attributes?
Attributes are business related fields like Company, Business Unit, Location and Department that can be used to determine which user can access certain onboarding activities, what homepage content will be shown and passed to the HR system of your choice. basic data elements in the Smart Onboarding system. The values of attributes are used to control access within the system, and can be shown on pages and in emails generated in the system. You can also define your own attributes that can be used for these purposes.
See Attributes for more information.
To inactivate, uncheck the box under Active.
Check the box again to activate reactivate it.
Scroll down and click Save.
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you
change the
order of appearance attributes?
If you want the attributes to show in a different order when selecting criteria in an invitation or during any configuration, you can rearrange the attributes here.
Click on the arrows of an attribute to move it the attribute up or down.
Scroll down and click on Save.
On the left side of the page, you can change the name of an attribute by entering a word under Override Label. This will change the attribute's name throughout the system system.
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you control which attributes
show on a New Hire invitation?
You can select the attributes that you want to see on a new hire invitation. You can unselect an attribute if you don't want them it on the invitation.
Check the boxes under Invitation Field in order for those attributes to be used shown on a new hire invitation.
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you
control which attributes
show on the Complete Job Details page for HR Specialists?
If you do not want all of the provided attributes to be entered by the HR Specialist on the step of reviewing a new hire's job details, you can unselect the attributes to remove them.
Onboarding Screen (through HR Specialist) |
In the CJD Field column, you can select or unselect any of the attribute types. CJD stands for Complete Job Details. You cannot unselect any attribute that is Required.
The invitation fields that are not selected will be blank for the HR Specialist to fill outenter, while the ones that are checked will have that information filled in from the new hire invitation page.
You can specify that entry of an attribute is required by checking on the Required box. If it is optional, do not check the box off.
Note that if User Security Allowed is checked on, the attribute is always required, so the Required box has to must be checked on.
Click on Save.