Ensure the Deployment Mode is set to "On-Premise" and Phase as "Development/Configuration/Staging" etc depending on your installation environment and with the HR Data in Sync box checked.
Click Save.
ii) Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Common Utilities > Core Setup > Installation > Maximum Sequence Setup
PeopleCode Function Name: IScript_TIMEOUTWARNING
b) SMEXT Web Profiles after overriding with SmartERP's parameters
b) Creation of Roles and User IDs
Illustration of Smart User role creation
2) Creation of new Users (If they are not already delivered by SmartERP)
Assign the roles from the above table to the INVITEE User which was created earlier.
Create a PeopleSoft User with User ID “MODELCLOUDUSER” as shown below and this user can be locked (Check Account Locked out).
Role(s) creation for MODELCLOUDUSER. In the ID tab assign an ID as 'NONE' (Not showin in the figure).
Creation of new User 'SmartNewHire'.
Role assignment for the newly created user. In the ID tab assign ID type as NONE (Not shown in the figure)
c) Import Message Catalogs
Ignore the initial warning that pops up and click OK.
If you get the message shown below that the messages are in use, click OK.
Update the Host name and the site name for Classic URL’s highlighted below to map the correct Host Name, port and node of the model entitiy. Host name could be a sample name along authentication domain following your DNS entry standards.
ii) User Categories