a) Deployment Options, Global Variables Sequencing setup and Web Profile Time Out
i) Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Common Utilities > Core Setup > Installation > Installation Options
Ensure the Deployment Mode is set to "On-Premise" and Phase as "Development/Configuration/Staging" etc depending on your installation environment and with the HR Data in Sync box checked.
Click Save.
ii) Navigate to to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Common Utilities > Core Setup > Installation > Maximum Sequence Setup
Click on '+' button to add a row and add the variable SM_CO_GBL_VAR for CO product id and provide a high number as shown. This is to prevent collision with already delivered Global Variables along with installation/migration.
iii) Navigate to to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration
a) Pull up SMINT/SMEXT Web Profiles Profiles one by one and change the Time Out Warning Script by clicking 'Override' button
Record (Table) Name: WEBLIB_SM_CO
PeopleCode Function Name: IScript_TIMEOUTWARNING
b) SMEXT Web Profiles after overriding with SmartERP's parameters
b) Creation of Roles and User IDs
Role(s) creation for MODELCLOUDUSER. In the ID tab assign ID as 'NONE' (Not showin in the figure).
Role assignment for the newly created user. In the ID tab assign ID type as NONE (Not shown in the figure).
c) Import Message Catalogs
e) Create your Organization
Note: Please provide 'Cloud Service Privider' role to the user who will be performing this task.
Field Name: LDAPAUTH
Event Name: FieldDefault
Check the Enabled and Exec Auth Fail check boxes.
g) DHS Client Setup
Create a new run control and enter your Organization by looking it up and choose the appropriate Attribute types that your company uses and click Run.
Make sure process runs to a success in the Process Monitor.
k) Build Cache (sm_df_cache)