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Table of Contents


 (4) Copy SmartCloudOnboarding.zipp zip from local installation webserver folder to both internal and external webserver sites.


Below screenshot illustrates after copying the folders or unzipping them as suggested above,  


(5) Edit <<WEBSERVER>>\ <<DOMAIN>>\applications\peoplesoft\ \PORTAL.war\WEB-INF\web.xml and add the following entry after “<!-- <distributable/> →” inside “web-app” section.


<!--End SmartERP Solutions, Inc. 2018→


(6) (Only for Internal Users Modern Site, not needed for Candidate or external site webservers)

Edit <WEBSERVERHOME>/<DOMAIN>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF/smarterp.config and enter “SiteName” for which Modern Content should be rendered under “ResponsiveUIFilter” Section.
<filter name="ResponsiveUIFilter">
<param name="filterClassName" value="com.smarterp.signon.LoginFilter"></param>
<param name="TemplateIScript" value="WEBLIB_SM_CD.ISCRIPT1.FieldFormula.IScript_GetUITemplateHeader"></param>
<param name="PSSite" value="HPKGNINT"></param>


i) Set the Login URL and Internal Moderin UI Site Name URL

 Navigate to Peopletools > Utilities > Administrator > URL

 1) open URL definition SM_AUTH_SSI_LOGIN_URL.


3. Download and migrate commons-codec-1.11.jar to your webserver lib directory

a) Download and extract the latest commons-codec*.jar from

b) Either using a GUI tool or using a shell copy this jar to the following webserver directory


 This has to be carried out for both "internal" as well as "external" website.


4. Import Certificate and Keystore Configuration Steps


Go to the Certification Path tab and highlight the intermediate certificate, Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA – G4 (intermediate certificate) in this case, and click the the  View Certificate button.



a) Go to the Google reCAPTCHA web page:


b) Click the Get reCAPTCHA link.
