How do you add a new Background Check Vendor?
Click on Add If you want to use a Background Check Vendor that is not in the list showing in the Review/Update, you can add the vendor using Add button under Background Check Vendors.
Manage Content Revision |
Image Removed Image Added
Fill out the fields, look at the chart below for more information on what these fields are.
Background Check Vendor Setup Page |
Image Removed Image Added
Field | Action |
Description | - A description or title of the verification vendor
Effective Status | - Active: Automatically adds it to the list when inviting a new hire
- Inactive: Lists it in the Verification Vendor setup, but won't show up in the list when inviting
Background Vendor ID | - Click on the lookup for the options of vendors
Background Authorization Text | - This is the activity in the onboarding process that the user must complete in order to authorize this specific background check
- You can create these as Smart Forms
BGC Processing Text | - This is the confirmation actiity that lets the user know that the background check is processing
- You can create these as Smart Forms
Profile Form ID | - Magnifying Glass: Click to choose a specific profile form for that specific background vendor
- Add: Generates another Profile Form ID selection
- Delete: For extra Profile Form IDs that you do not want or are blank
- After choosing a form with the lookup, that form will fill the information underneath the Profile Form ID