Click on the Menu icon, then click More under Misc. Setup.
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Click on Attribute Preferences .
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How do you inactivate an attribute?
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you change the order of appearance attributes?
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you change the name of an attribute for your organization?
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you control which attributes show on a New Hire invitation?
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you control which attributes show on the Complete Job Details page for HR Specialists?
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you specify if an attribute is required on a New Hire invitation and/or Complete Job Details?
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you allow for there to be Contextual Content for an attribute?
Attribute Preferences Page |
What attributes can you use to control homepage category-driven content?
Attribute Preferences Page |
What attributes are available for Row Level Security?
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you allow an address to show on an attribute's page?
Attribute Preferences Page |