Table of Contents |
The review process page is displayed as below. You can click on any Revision Number to view the configuration aspects of that revision.
How do you view
homepage content for a specific
role type?
Dictated by the Attribute Preferences page, depending on the attributes selected under "Home Page Content Allowed?" you can change the homepage content to be different for both role types and these attributes. To view the specifics on what content there is on a specific homepage, you can view it through the Review Process page.
The homepage content revision page for all the role types is displayed.
Manage Homepage Content |
You can see what is view the content included in that content category for that specific role type but cannot edit any of themthe content.
Manage Homepage Content |
How do I view the
contextual content and
attribute details?
Shown through the How do I allow for there to be Contextual Content on an Attribute? section, there are some attributes that you can select if they can add contextual content to.
The contextual content for that attribute can be viewed by clicking on the Company Policies policies or Company Benefits benefits icon.
Below example shows the contextual content added as a policy for Research company.