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Notification TemplateDescriptionHow Used
 SM_CO_USR_LAUNCH_RICH_TMPLUser Self RegistrationEmail that is sent to a System Administrator or any other Administrative or Business User after being invited (rich text).
 SM_CO_USR_SELFREG_TEMPLATEUser Self RegistrationSame as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered.
 SM_CO_NTF_SELFREG_SUCCESS_TANotification about successfully self registeringEmail sent to a System Administrator after self registering.
SM_CO_USR_RESEND_RICH_TMPLUser Resend Self RegistrationEmail sent to a User when the invitation is re-sent (rich text).
SM_CO_USR_RESEND_SELFREG_TMPLUser Resend Self RegistrationSame as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered.
SM_CO_NOTIFY_SELF_REG_SUCCESSNotification about successfully self registeringEmail sent to a User or New Hire after self registering.
SM_CO_NOTIFY_NEW_ROLENew role assignedEmail sent to a User when a new role is assigned to the User.
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ROLE_UNASGNRole UnassignedEmail sent to a User when a new role is unassigned to the User.
SM_CO_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ROLERole changedEmail sent to a User when their role is changed.
SM_CO_INV_LAUNCH_RICH_TMPLSelf Registration detailsEmail sent to a New Hire when an invitation is launched (rich text).
SM_CO_INV_SELFREG_TMPLSelf Registration detailsSame as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered.
SM_CO_INV_RESEND_RICH_TMPLResend: Self Registration detailsEmail sent to a New Hire when an invitation is re-sent.
SM_CO_INV_RESEND_SELFREG_TMPResend: Self Registration detailsSame as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered.
SM_CO_INV_FORCE_COMPLETEForce CompleteEmail sent to New Hire when their onboarding process is forced to completion.
SM_CO_INV_TERMINATE_PROCESSTerminate ProcessEmail sent to New Hire when their onboarding process is terminated.
SM_CO_NOTIFY_CANDIDATE_PURGENotify on Candidate PurgeEmail sent to New Hire when their onboarding data is purged from the system.SM_CO_NOTIFY_ACC_LOCK_BY_ADMINNotification about account lockout by AdminEmail sent to a User or New Hire when their account has been locked by an administrator.SM_CO_NOTIFY_ACC_UNLOCKNotification about account unlockEmail sent to a User or New Hire when their account has been unlocked by an administrator.
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ACC_LOCKNotification about account lockoutEmail sent to a User or New Hire when their account has been locked due to too many unsuccessful login attempts.
SM_CO_NOTIFY_EPIN_RSTNotification about ePIN reset.Email sent to a User or New Hire when an administrator has requested that they change their e-Pin.
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ACCOUNT_CHANGENotify Account ChangeEmail sent to a User or New Hire when they have changed their account information.
Notification about change in challenge questions
Email sent to a User or New Hire when they have changed their challenge questions.
PreScreen Submitted - Notification to HR
Email sent to an HR administrator when a New Hire has submitted their pre-screen information.
SM_OB_AWAITING_HR_COMPLETEOnboarding Awaiting HR CompleteEmail sent to a New Hire when HR has completed their review of pre-screening information.
Confirm on Submit for Review
Email sent to a New Hire when they have submitted their onboarding information for review.
SUBMIT_TO_HR_NOTIFYSubmit to HR NotifyEmail sent to an HR administrator when a New Hire has submitted their onboarding information for review.
SM_I9_EV_NOTIFY_EMPLOYERNotifying to EmployerEmail sent to employer to Update SSN given by the New Hire and proceed with releasing Form I9 for E-Verification
SM_OB_CAND_PACKET_REMINDERCandidate Packet Reminder to Invitation CreatorEmail sent to invitation creator regarding candidates who have not submitted their packet
SM_OB_SUBMIT_TO_HR_REMINDERReminder about Submit to HR not doneEmail sent to New Hires whose Submit to HR is not done and start date within 3 days

How do you create a new Notification Template?
