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Click Review Process Revision under Revisions.
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The review process page is displayed as below. You can click on any Revision Number to view the configuration aspects of that revision.
This displays Revision Life Cycle with the latest applied Process Revision highlighted in the left side of the page and the corresponding revision information with attributes on the main screen. Since the applied revisions cannot be modified the users can view the completed revisions in read only mode.
For In-Progress Process Revision, the users can make changes is allowed at a time, and if the latest Revision is in Progress
What makes up the Review Process page?
The Review Process page consists of 3 sections: Revision Life Cycle, Revision Information and Attributes.
Revision Life Cycle
It displays the list of all Process Revisions at one Process Revision Life Cycle displays list of all allows users to view the list of all Process revisions
How do you view homepage content for a specific role type?
Dictated by the Attribute Preferences page, depending on the attributes selected under "Home Page Content Allowed?" you can change the homepage content to be different for both role types and these attributes. To view the specifics on what content there is on a specific homepage, you can view it through the Review Process page.