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Only the E-Verify Specialists have access to E-Verify Console.

What type of New Hire I-9 data


is displayed under the E-Verify Console?

All the I-9 IDs that are Awaiting DHS Verification or subjected to DHS Verification and are progressing through DHS process appear in are displayed under the E-Verify Console. However, the console do not display the I-9 records for the New Hires that have applied for SSN and waiting for number to receive.


The E-Verify Console page is made up of two sections: the Search Filter and the I-9 Details.


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Search Filter

When there are a lot of I-9 IDs in the E-Verify Console, it is efficient to have search filter options to quickly find a specific I-9 ID. Next to the field, you can change the search option to specify how you want your text to be perceived.

Company ID
  • Filter by Company ID. A lookup icon is provided to search through Company IDs
  • Selecting "equal to" will search for the Company ID that is exactly what you enter

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Last Name
  • Filter by Last Name
  • Selecting "begins with" will search for the beginning of the Last Name for the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "contains" will search for any of the Last Names that has the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "equal to" will search for the Last Name that is exactly what you type in

  • Selecting "not equal" will search for the last Names that do not match with the letter(s) that you type in

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Middle Initial
  • Filter by Middle Initial
  • Selecting "contains" will search for any of the Middle Initials that has the letter that you enter
  • Selecting "equal to" will search for the Middle Initial that is exactly what you type in

  • Selecting "not equal" will search for the Middle Initial that do not match with the letter that you type in

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First Name
  • Filter by First Name
  • Selecting "begins with" will search for the beginning of the First Name for the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "contains" will search for any of the First Names that has the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "equal to" will search for the First Name that is exactly what you type in

  • Selecting "not equal" will search for the First Name that do not match with the letter(s) that you type in
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Date of Birth
  • Filter by the New Hire's Date of Birth
  • Selecting "equal to" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires that were born on that specific date
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  • Selecting between will generate another search box
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  • Selecting "greater than" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires that were born later than that specific date
  • Selecting "greater than or equal to" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires that were born on that specific date or later
  • Selecting "less than" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires that were born earlier than that specific date
  • Selecting "less than or equal to" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires that were born on that specific date or earlier


  • Filter by the New Hire's Work Authorization Expiry
  • Selecting "equal to" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires whose WAE matches that specific date
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  • Selecting "between" will generate another search box
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  • Selecting "greater than" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires with a WAE later than that specific date
  • Selecting "greater than or equal to" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires with a WAE of that date or later
  • Selecting "less than" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires with a WAE earlier than that specific date
  • Selecting "less than or equal to" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires with a WAE of that date or earlier


Eligibility Type
  • Filter by the New Hire's Eligibility Type (Citizen, Non-citizen, Alien, Permanent Resident)
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Hire Date


  • Filter by the New Hire's hire date
  • Displays start and end dates of the current month as part of the initial load
  • Selecting "equal to" will show you the New Hires with a hire date of that specific date
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  • Selecting "between" will generate another search box
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  • Selecting "greater than" will show you the New Hires with a hire date later than that specific date
  • Selecting "greater than or equal to" will show you the New Hires with a hire date on that specific date or later
  • Selecting "less than" will show you the New Hires with a hire date earlier than that specific date
  • Selecting "less than or equal to" will show you the New Hires with a hire date on that specific date or earlier


State Detail
  • Filter by the state of the New Hire's I-9 processing
  • A lookup icon is provided to search through various I-9 states
DHS Version
  • Filter by the DHS Version

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Case Created On
  •  Filter by the DHS Case creation date
  • Selecting "equal to" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires whose DHS Case creation date matches that specific date
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  • Selecting "between" will generate another search box
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  • Selecting "greater than" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires whose DHS Case creation date is later than that specific date
  • Selecting "greater than or equal to" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires whose DHS Case creation date is on that specific date or later
  • Selecting "less than" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires whose DHS Case creation date is earlier than that specific date
  • Selecting "less than or equal to" will show you the I-9 IDs for New Hires whose DHS Case creation date is on that specific date or earlier

Use Search or Clear button to search or clear the above fields.


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Image Added I-9 Details


I-9 ID
  • New Hire's distinctive ID #
  • Clicking on this will pull up the New Hire's I-9 information
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  • New Hire's name
  • The Image Addednext to the name pulls up a quick summary of that New Hire's information
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Case NumberThe Case Number on the USCIS E-Verify System
State Detail