After reading the disclosure, click on the box to check acknowledgement.
Click ContinueElectronically Acknowledged button.
Background Check Disclosures Activity |
This page only shows if the New Hire's work location is in California and Credit Check was "Yes" on the invitation.
After reading the disclosure, click on the box to confirm acknowledgement, then click Electronically Acknowledged button.
California Related Disclosures (Non-Credit) Activity |
This page only shows if the New Hire's work location is in California and Credit Check was "Yes" on the invitation.
After reading the disclosure, click on the box to confirm acknowledgement, then click Electronically Acknowledged button.
California Related Disclosures (Non-Credit) - Verification Activity |
This page only shows if the New Hire's work location is in California and Credit Check was "Yes" on the invitation.
After reading the disclosure, click on the box to confirm acknowledgement, then click Electronically Acknowledged button.
California Credit Check Activity |
Click Electronically Sign button.
Background Authorization Activity |
Note that the fields with asterisk are required.
If you select that you have no prior employment, click you don't need to enter employment information. Click on the check box.
Click Otherwise, enter all the fields and click Next.
Previous Employment Information |
Enter your previous education addresses.
The fields with asterisk are required.
Click Next.
Previous Education Location Information |
Click an option Yes or No.
Click Next.
Education Verification
Fill out the information that has asterisks.
After you enter all the information check the box at the end to certify.
Click Save.
Employment Verification |
If your onboarding process had "hold" selected for Pre-Screen processing, you must wait for the HR Specialist to review the Pre-Screen information before you can proceed to the next onboarding activity.
Awaiting HR Processing Activity |
Until the HR Specialist completes the process, you will not cannot have access to the next activity (New Hire Forms).
If 'No' is selected for 'Hold for PreScreen Processing', there is no need to wait for the HR Specialist to complete the process. You can continue with your the next onboarding activitiesactivity.
For information on the HR processing, refer to PreScreen Activities under My Tasks for HR Specialist.