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Federal Tax Withholding

Select one option in 3.

Fill out 5.

Fill out the other lines if they apply to you.

Click the box to confirm accuracy.

Click on Electronic Signature.

Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate



Work Location Tax Withholding

The information that needs to be entered varies depending on the state where you work.  Also, if your work state does not have state income tax, you will not see this activity.

In this example, the work state is California. Enter all the information that applies to you and click on Electronically Sign.




Residence Location Tax Withholding

The information that needs to be entered varies depending on the state where you live.  Also, if your residence state does not have state income tax, or your residence state is the same as your work state, you will not see this activity.

In this example, the residence state is taken as Maryland. Enter the information and click on the check box to certify. Click on Electronically Sign.




Pay Check Preferences

Click one option.  A different page is displayed next depending on which option you selected.

Pay Check Preferences Activities



If you choose Direct Deposit, this is the information that you will need to provide.

Read all of the page, fill it out, acknowledge, and save.

Direct Deposit Form



If you choose Check by Mail, this is the form that it leads to.

Select an option where you would like to receive your pay check and click the acknowledgment. Click Save.

Check Address Selection Form



Electronic W-2 Acknowledgement

Read the text, then click the checkbox I authorize Electronic W-2s. If you don't want to receive future W2s electronically, don't click the checkbox

Click Electronic Signature.

Pay Check Preferences Activities


Enter I-9

When entering I-9, New Hires can invite a Preparer and/or a Translator to assist them to complete the transaction. A question is provided at the bottom of the form asking whether you need the assistance of a Preparer/Translatorassistance is needed.

By default, the Preparer/Translator value is set as 'No'.

Do not change this value if you don't need assistance help with filling the Form I-9.

Select one option from #1-4 and fill out any information related to your choice as needed.

Check I Agree and click Electronic Signature.

I-9 Form



If you need help filling the form I-9, select Yes for Preparer/Translator assistance. You will be provided with a link for the new A link is populated at the bottom of the page which directs you to a page to enter the details of a Preparer/Translator.

I-9 Form

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