Table of Contents
Field | Behavior |
PDF Name | Name that describes the PDF Form |
Description | To find the PDF Form easily, name it accordingly |
Output File Name | Save the PDF Form to a file |
Participant Pool | The roletype that will see the PDF Form |
Required/Optional |
| |
Override Save Button Label |
Enable I Agree |
Acknowledge text |
Enable Print |
Print Source |
File Name |
How do you add a PDF Template to a Smart Form?
Create a Content Revision or modify a Content Revision that is In Progress.
Click on Add for the content type Smart Forms.
Enter the required fields.
Select PDF Template for Print Source.
Click on the lookup icon for PDF Template.
Select a PDF Template.
Enter text to be presented to the user. Click on Save.
Click on Return to Manage Revision.
Click on Apply.
How do you add a PDF Template to the onboarding process?
There are two ways how you can add a PDF Template to the onboarding process.
Create a new Process Revision or use an in progress Process Revision. Click on Configure Business Process Rules.
Click on Add under the onboarding step that you want the PDF Template/Form to appear.
Click Apply.
Manage Revision Page |
At run time, the PDF Template is seen in the candidate process as shown below.
PDF Template in the New Hire Flow |
(II) Add PDF Template to the Smart Form and then include the Smart Form in the process through Process Revision.
Create a Content Revision or modify a Content Revision that is In Progress.
Click on Add for the content type Smart Forms.
Content Revision Page |
Enter the required fields.
Select PDF Template for Print Source.
Click on the lookup icon for PDF Template.
Define Smart Form Page |
Select a PDF Template.
Look Up PDF Template Box |
You can view the PDF Template by clicking on the box with the arrow going out of it, next to the file name.
Define Smart Form Page |
Enter text to be presented to the user. Click on Save.
Define Smart Form Page |
Click on Return to Manage Revision.
Content Revision Page |
Click on Apply.
Manage Revision Page |
Now, create a new Process Revision or use an in progress Process Revision. Click on Configure Business Process Rules.
Configure Business Process Rules |
Click on Add under the onboarding step that you want the PDF Template/Form to appear.