Field | Behavior |
PDF Name | Name that describes the PDF Form |
Description | To find the PDF Form easily, name it accordingly |
Output File Name | Save the PDF Form to a file |
Participant Pool | The roletype that will see the PDF Form 
Required/Optional | - Required: the user needs to complete the form before continuing
- Optional: the user has the option to complete the form
| - By selecting this the user will have the bypass enabled for the form
Override Save Button Label 
| - The label on the button that the user must click in order to save or continue
- The default label is 'e-sign,' so if you leave this field blank, it will say 'e-sign'
- Examples of replacement labels:
Enable I Agree 
| - By selecting this the user acknowledges the information provided on the form
Acknowledge text |  - This field is displayed when the user selects the check box of 'Enable I Agree' label
Enable Print | - Yes: the page will contain an icon that will allow the user to print the form
- No: the user will not be able to print the form
Print Source | - This field only shows up if you click on 'Yes' for Enable Print
- Current Form: it will print in the form that the file is originally in
- PDF Template:
- selecting this will spawn another field below it
 - Clicking on the lookup will pull up all of the PDF Templates that are in your system
File Name | - The PDF file name uploaded
Check the Select box for the one(s) that you added. Then click OK.
Select the Smart Form that you have created |
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The new activity shows under the onboarding step. Click on the activity that you just added and select the routing criteria.
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There are two options for routing: Always Route and Route if criteria is met.
In this example, check Always Route.
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On the Business Process Rules page, scroll down and click Save.
Business Process Rules Page |
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Back on the Process Revision page, click Return to Manage Revision.
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Click on Apply.
Apply Process Revision |
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