Table of Contents |
Roles | Permission Lists |
Cloud Login | SMCD5010, SMCD6010, SMCD7010 |
Smart User | SMCD6005, SMCD_PTPT1000, SMCD_PTPT1200 |
Cloud New Hire | SMCD3062, SMCD4062, SMCD5062, SMCD6062, SMCD7062, SMCD8062 |
Illustration of Smart User role creation
2) Creation of new Users (If they are not already delivered by SmartERP)
Users | Roles |
INVITEE (This was created in Pre-Installation phase) | Cloud Login, Smart User |
SmartNewHire | Cloud New Hire, Smart User |
Assign the roles from the above table to the INVITEE User which was created earlier.
Create a PeopleSoft User with User ID “MODELCLOUDUSER” as shown below and this user can be locked (Check Account Locked out).
Role(s) creation for MODELCLOUDUSER. In the ID tab assign ID as 'NONE' (Not showin in the figure).
Creation of new User 'SmartNewHire'.
Role assignment for the newly created user. In the ID tab assign ID type as NONE (Not shown in the figure).
Note: Please provide 'Cloud Service Privider' role to the user who will be performing this task.
Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Organization > Smart SP Configurator(Workcenter) and then click on Service Provider Console.
Click Smart ORG-Invite push button to create your own Organization that you will be using for utilizing Smart Modern Onboarding product.
Add new Org details and click Save.
ii) Setup System Administrator roletype
For the organization you have created add System Administrator.
iii) Navigate to Main Menu > People Tools > Security > User Profiles > User Profiles
- Cloud New Hire
- Smart User
e) Setup Organization Site Details and User Categories
Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Organization > Core Setup > Organization Site Details.
When you click search, the organization that you have created in the above step will be listed in the ‘Find an existing value’ tab.
Update the Host name and the site name for Classic URL’s highlighted below to map the correct Host Name, port and node of the model entitiy. Host name could be a sample name along authentication domain following your DNS entry standards.
ii) User Categories
Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Business Process Management > Core Setup > User Categories
The emphasis is on CLD_ROLETYPE_CUST and EXTERNAL_USER user categores for the On-Premise installations. Replace the site name with site name you have given in Org. Site details given above.
Click on Organization Specific Portals link against CLD_ROLETYPE_CUST to open the organization specific details to adjust site name for the delivered organization.
Please Note that this is for HR Internal user navigation links and site name you have to provide is the Internal Modern site you created in the Pre-Installation phase.
Click on Organization Specific Portals link against EXTERNAL_USER to open the organization specific details to adjust site name for the delivered organization. This is used by the system to provide accurate navigational links for external candidates being onboarded.
iii) Setup the URLs
Below are the two URLs that you need to setup.
URL1: Search for URL Identifier = SM_AUTH_SSO_LOGIN_URL.
URLID: Enter the traditional URL that you used to login to this environment.
URL2: Search for URL Identifier = SM_AUTH_INTERNAL_SITENAME.
Update the highlighted URLID and Comments.
The value to enter in the URLID field is the ‘Internal Sitename’ that you have created for onboarding. Comments is optional and it is for your reference.
After the setup is done, navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Smart Modern UI Landing Page. This should take you to your onboarding landing page.
iV) Start Page Script Customization
Please place below code in the starting of IScript Function: WEBLIB_PTBR.ISCRIPT1.FieldFormula IScript_StartPage
/* SmartERP Customization Start */
If (%OperatorId = "INVITEE" Or
%OperatorId = "REGISTER") And
%Portal = "SMART"
rem And
%Node = "ONBRD";
Local string &sURLParams = %Request.QueryString;
Local array of string &tokens = Split(&sURLParams, "URL=");
Local integer &i;
If &tokens.Len = 2 Then
%Response.RedirectURL(Unencode(&tokens [2]) | "&httpredirect=true");
/* SmartERP Customization End */
f) Configure Authentication for Candidates (PeopleSoft User signon using bypass site)
Field Name: LDAPAUTH
Event Name: FieldDefault
Check the Enabled and Exec Auth Fail check boxes.
g) DHS Client Setup
DHS Client Setup is used to set up the user and password information for accessing the USCIS E-Verify system. If you are not planning on using E-Verify through our smart onboarding process, this step is not needed.
Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Smart Modern UI Landing Page.
Login as 'System Administartor' and access DHS Client Setup through left navigation.
Click on Add a New Value.
Set DHS User ID and Password for the Legal Entity Driver chosen for processing the I-9s. Here, Business Unit is chosen as the I-9 Legal Entity Driver.
Likewise, create one row each for all the Business Units that are associated with your Organization.
h) Report Category
Navigate to Main Menu > Reporting Tools > BI Publisher > Setup > Report Category
Create a Run Control ID and run the SM_DF_CACHE (Build Cache) process.
Create a Run Control ID and run the SM_DF_CACHE (Build Cache) picking it from a list of processes as shown below and clicking OK.
Navigate to Main Menu > > Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Maintain cache.
Ensure "Check Synchronization" is selected and all options are chosen, as shown below. Click on the "Examine Cache" button and it will launch the process. Ensure the process runs to a successful completion.
Once the process runs to Success, click on the Results tab.
Make sure the Invalid Cache Entries are 0. If not zero, run the process again by clicking on Examine Cache again. Ensure you validate it is all 0’s before moving on. For example, DEV and TEST may take 2 times.
Once the above process has completed successfully, re-run the process using the following options. Please notice the “Bulk Load” option is now selected and the "Check Synchronization" option is not selected. The "Examine Cache" button will launch the process. Ensure the process runs to a successful completion.
3. Final Note
After doing all the post installation steps reboot the web server (both external and internal) and app server by deleting cache.