I-9 Processing when I-9 Specialist enters Section 2 information and completes I-9 |
Case 2:
I-9 Processing when I-9 Section 2 is Reassigned assigned to a Remote User |
Case 3:
Undo I-9 Processing when undo I-9 reassigned assigned to the Remote User | |
Smart Onboarding also supports additional processes to facilitate employee transfers and Rehires. When candidate enters The data in Employee Biographic Information, a search is invoked to verify if there is any entered in EBI/Section 1 is matched against the existing data for the candidate. Based on the search match result , the candidate's transaction is classified as a New Hire/transfer/rehire.
The candidate transaction is considered as transfer within Company/Business Unit if there is an already existing record for the candidate in the HR database under the same organization,
When the candidate information is entered in the employee biographic activity, search is done on the The candidate's EBI/Section 1 information is searched against the existing active HR records to match the legal entity (Company/Business unit), SSN and , date of birth and eligibility type.
If a match is found, the previously completed I-9 activities such as Section 1, Section 2 and E-Verify are skipped from the is considered for this process.
Onborading Onboarding Process when a candidate is transferred within the Company/Business Unit |
Transfer outside Company/Business Unit
If the transfer is inter employee is transferred to a different legal entity (Company/Business Unit, the transaction is considered like a normal New Hire flow with all the I-9 activities.When a search is done on the existing active HR status records to match the given candidate's legal entity(Company/Business unit), SSN and date of birth and if no match is found, ) that is registered for E-Verify even within the same organization, a new I-9 must be completed.
Since the legal entity is different, the search match logic fails to find a match and the flow is considered as a regular New Hire flowHIre Flow.
The onboarding process will be considered a rehire case flow when the candidate is terminated and hired again by the same organization employer within 3 years of the max Hire date.
When a search is done on the existing active HR status records invoked to match with candidate's legal entity(Company/Business unit), SSN and , date of birth and eligibility and if match is found, the process will check if the rehire is within 3 years from max Hire date and the termination date exists for the candidate from the previous process of hire. If all the conditions match, process will be a rehire flow with only have Section 3 activity in I-9. The onboarding process for rehire skips document detail details (Section 2) and E-Verify activities.
Even though the candidate's legal entity, SSN and date of birth matches with the previous active HR status recordcompleted Form I-9 and record exists for the candidate in the HR database, the process may not go into treat this as a rehire case if the rehire date exceed the exceeds 3 year limit from the max hire date or if the termination date doesn't exists from the previous hire.
Also, the the process switch might happen from Hire to Rehire, Rehire to Hire or Rehire to Rehire during restarts when the EBI is restarted because of wrong entry of correcting the wrongly entered SSN/Date of Birth.
The three possible scenarios of rehire are explained as follows:
Hire to Rehire
Under this flow, the match doesn't happen for the The match is not found first time when the SSN and Date of Birth are captured in EBI for the given candidate and searched against the existing HR records with active statussearch match is invoked to check the existing records in the database. The process continues as a normal New Hire flow until the restart is initiated for the EBI from E-Verify activity. When the correction is made for SSN/DOB after EBI/Section 1 restart, the record finds a match and the process goes into will be treated as a rehire flow with only Section 3 activity.
Rehire to Hire
When the Rehire Section 3 activity is being worked by the I-9 Specialist, they can choose to switch to Hire instead of proceeding with Section 3. When this happens, the Section 2 will be in edit mode for the I-9 Specialist to update and attest the document information. In this case , the E-Verify activity is administered as mandatory on the rehire.
So whenever there is a situation to be switched from Rehire to Hire the process becomes a normal New Hire flow with the E-Verify process administered as compulsory.
Let us take another Rehire to Hire scenario as an example where the candidate the employee enters incorrect SSN/Date of Birth in the employee biographic information/Section 1 and the flow navigates to rehire Section 3 when it matches with the incorrect candidate's data. After completion of Section 3, the E-Verify Specialist can Restart the EBI restarts EBI/Section 1 for the candidate to reenter the correct SSN/Date of Birth and the flow becomes a normal New Hire case when there is no match found with for SSN/Date of Birth.
Rehire to Rehire
This scenario occurs when the process goes into Rehire flow both before and after restart. First time when incorrect SSN/DOB is given, the data matches with the incorrect candidate and the process flow goes into Rehire case. When correction is made after restart, the given candidate's data may match the correct record and the process may again direct to Rehire Section 3.