The I9AutoFill property allows System Administrators to decide whether to auto populate the employee personal information in Form I-9 Section 1 from EBI activity. The property is applicable only to the onboarding process since EBI activity exists only in this process. The system is delivered with I-9Autofill property set at ‘Yes’ ‘ON’ as default in Product Preferences. This default value can be changed by the System Administartors to match the behavior how they would like in their system.
The property value is set to Yes ON as default when the product is delivered. You can check the property value by navigating to Product Preferences.
Product Preferences page |
When the value is set to Yesis ON, the employee personal information entered in EBI activity will be populated in I-9 Section-1 and the fields in I-9 Section-1 will be read only.
New Hire's EBI Activity |
Candidate information entered in EBI is auto populated in I-9 Section 1 |
How to change the value of I-9AutoFill property?
Under Product Setup, click Product Preferences.
Menu |
Click Details under Onboarding product.
Click 'Onboarding' link under Product Preferences.
Change the property value of I-9AutoFill to No (False) OFF and click Save.
Set I-9AutoFill = No (False) |
Click Save on Product Preferences page.
How does it effect Form I-9 Section 1?
When I-9AutoFill value is set to No (False) OFF, the employee personal information from EBI activity will not be populated in I-9 Section 1. The fields on Form I-9 Section 1 will be empty for the employee to re- enter the information.
Section 1 blank |
What happens when there is a data mismatch between Form I-9 Section 1 and EBI?
The values in EBI and I-9 Section-1 need not be same, but a warning message will be displayed on SAVE and on ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE when there is a mismatch in data.
Lets Let's look at Biographic Information of a candidate. The fields that are validated are highlighted below.
EBI Activity |
Below example shows the values entered by the employee on Form I-9 Section 1. As you can see there is a mismatch of data entered in Date of Birth and Employee's Telephone Number.
I-9 Section 1 |
When you save or sign the form, a popup message is displayed as shown below. You can click OK/Cancel on the message. Click Cancel to go back to the page and re-enter the information.
Warning message |
In this case, the information is not saved and the I-9 ID is not generated.
I-9 Section 1 |
Re-enter the correct values and save/sign I-9 Section 1. When the values entered in Section 1 match with EBI information, no warning messages are displayed.
In case, if you want to proceed further with different values in Section 1, click OK on the warning message.
Warning message |
An I-9 ID is generated and Section 1 information is saved.
I-9 section 1 |
If you want to sign I-9 Section 1, check I Agree and click Electronic Signature. The warning message is shown on Electronic Signature as well. Click OK to confirm.
Electronic Signature | |