Edit date if you want to change employee's first day of employment. Click Save.
Save Section 2 Information |
When you are ready to sign the document, check I Agree. Electronically Sign button replaces the Save button. Click Electronically Sign.
Let's consider a flow with Section 2 activity completed and DHS case creation pending. Click on Complete I-9 link in the left nav to access the completed Section 2 activity.
E-Verify |
Scroll down the page to the attestation part.
Click Edit.
Edit Section 2 |
Section 2 opens in edit mode.
Section 2 in edit mode |
Click Cancel Edit to cancel editing Section 2 data.
Cancel edit |
The page again changes back to the read only mode.
You can edit Section 2 data until DHS case number is generated.
DHS Case Number |
The Edit buttion is disabled in Section 2 activity after DHS case number is generated.
Edit is disabled in Section 2 after DHS case number is generated |