Process Revisions allow Administrative Users to modify the onboarding process, and contextual process content. There can be multiple Process Revisions across different business processes in an organization.
Attribute Revisions allow Administrative allow Administrative Users to add/modify process attributes and home page content. Attribute Revisions can have only one active revision at any given time.
Content revisions allow Administrative Users to add or modify content in the onboarding system. This content can later be added to a homepage configuration or added to your business process through a Process Revision. Content Revisions can also be used to change notifications, set up verification vendors, etc. Many Content Revisions can be in process at the same time. For details, refer Content Revisions page.
Process Revision
Process Revisions allow Administrative Users to specify where content is used in the onboarding process. Administrative Users are also able to perform other functions such as configure business process rules, manage Events & Notifications as well as add Ad hoc Reports to be downloaded during the onboarding process.
Attribute Revisions allow Administrative Users to add/modify the key data (attributes) used in the onboarding process and change the home page content. Using attribute revisions, you can define your own attributes and use them in the process revision to control access to the content or pages in the onboarding process. For instance: if you want to display benefits to specific company, add/modify define att
The table below lists what can be done with Content Revisions, Process Revisions and Attribute Revisions.