Click on the Elasticsearch icon. Enter Manage Accounts in the Category and enter the search keyword. In this case, email id Account Status "Active" is entered as the search keyword.
The search results page displays as below. Here, the user will be able to view the details of a all New Hire's invitation invitations that are in active status and perform user account login actions.
How do you access invitation details?
To access the invitation details, click on the Invitation ID link. This opens the invitation summary & invitation details of a New Hire's process.
On the invitation summary page, click on the Invitation ID link to navigate to review invitation.
This opens the New Hire's invitation details.
How do actions differ with the invitation status?
When the invitation status is "Invitation Launched":
Invitation Status = Invitation Launched |
When the New Hire's invitation is in progress:
"Invitation In Progress":
Invitation Status = "Invitation In Progress" |
When the New Hire's invitation process is in process completed "Invitation Completed" status:
Invitation Status = Invitation Completed |
When the New Hire's invitation is terminated:
What actions can you perform from Manage Accounts?
The following actions can be performed from the Manage Accounts -
View Attributes
The attribute details that was entered during invitation creation can be viewed here.
Review Invitation