The I-9 Master page opens as shown below. Scroll down to "Quick glance - Flags" and verify the flag. You will notice the Reverification Status flag is unchecked.
How to undo
Name Change process?
When Name Change process is initiated, the option for cancelling the last filing action is shown under I-9 Console/Elasticsearch actions.
Access I-9 Console actions for an I-9 ID and select Undo Last Filing.
Click 'Yes' on the confirmation message.
In Elasticsearch you can access this in the I-9 Life Cycle actions.
Enter process terminate reason, comments and click Submit.
When the Name Change process is initiated, it opens up Section 3 activity in add mode for the I-9 Specialist to enter the candidate's new/correct name in the name fields.
Enter the updated name, check I Agree and Electronically Sign.
Complete Section 3 |
How do you assign
this process to a remote user?
The I-9 Specialist can assign name change Name Change process to a remote user by clicking on "Assign Remote I-9" button given at the bottom of the Section 3 page.