Manage Profile Page |
Item | Item Name | Description |
Change Name | Allows the user to change their biological information | |
Change Email | Allows the user to change their email address | |
Change Phone Number | Allows the user to change their primary and secondary phone information | |
Change Home Address | Allows the user to change their home address | |
Change Mailing Address | Allows the user to change their mailing address. If "Same As Home Address" is checked, the mailing address is same as home address. | |
Navigate to the Manage Profile page. You can change your name, email, phone, and address information.
If your organization's. Authentication Preferences has Two Factor authentication enabled, when you change your Preferred Email Address or Preferred Phone Number you are sent a code to enter to verify the email address or phone.
An email is sent listing the changes that have been made to your account.
Email Notification sent when Preferred Email Address is changed |