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The fields that are displayed on contingent worker EBI page is dependent on the property value setup in the product preferences. For example: If property "showNameOnCWRBI" is set to "ON" the contingent worker will have name information in their Biographic Information. Similarly, the other property values in product preferences can be set to "OFF" or "ON" based on which the fields showing in contingent worker's Biographic Information vary.

Product Preferences

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Enter values in the fields as shown below and click Save.


If the Mailing Address is same as the Home Address, then click on check box for "Copy from Home Address". This will copy the address details from the Home Address to the Mailing Address.

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If the Mailing Address is different from the Home Address, click on "Add Address".


Click "Choose File" and select the file from your local computer and upload the document.

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After the file is attached, select the document category and click "Return".

National ID or Tax Identifier

Based on the property setup in Product Preferences, the National ID/Tax Identifier fields appearing on the page differ. If "showNationalIDOnCWRBI" is set to "ON" the National ID option shows on the page with SSN fields.

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National ID

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If you have applied for Social Security Number /Tax Identification NumberChoose any one option for the Tax Identifier.and waiting for it, click on the check box for "Applied for SSN". After receiving Social Security Number, update the same to your employer. For details, please click here.

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If "showTaxIDOnCWRBI" is set to "ON", then the page has option for both SSN and TIN. 

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You can choose to enter one option, either SSN or TIN. 


If you click on the radio button for Social security Number, the fields to enter SSN displays as below.

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If Tax Identification Number is selected, then the fields to enter TIN shows up on the page.

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Either Entering either one of the numbers must be enteredis mandatory. Otherwise, the system will throw error when you save the Biographic Information.

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