The comment submitted in the previous step gets updated in the Collaboration page as shown below:
The collaboration gadget indicates there is a message.
This can also be viewed by the candidate in their View Process page after the completion of Electronic Disclosure activity. On the candidate's Home page, click on "View" link under "Process Snapshot" to navigate to process viewer.
In the process Viewer, click on the Collaboration gadget.
The comments posted by the HR Specialist is shown here.
The candidate can post and submit comments from here their Process Viewer as well.
The message These messages can be seen by the HR Specialist in their process viewer Process Viewer page as given below.
Access via Consoles
Another way to access process viewer Process Viewer is via regular consoles - Invitation console and My Tasks and Invitation console. An example of accessing process viewer through "My Tasks" is shown below.
Invitation Console |
My Tasks |
How do users collaborate from their process activities?