Table of Contents |
The only activity that shows under My Tasks for an E-Verify Specialist is E-Verify. The E-Verify activity consists of the initiation and completion of all processing through the USCIS E-Verify System.
Why do you need to perform the E-Verify activity?
Completion of the I-9 form is a requirement to be hired in the United States. Completion of the form as part of Smart Onboarding includes validation of the New Hire's I-9 information by the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.
Who can perform the E-Verify activity?
When can you perform the E-Verify activity?
How do you access the E-Verify activity?
How do you access the E-Verify activity using My Tasks?
Menu from the Home Page |
All the New Hires whose onboarding process is at a point where the E-Verify activity is available and has not yet been completed are shown. Click the E-Verify link for a New Hire.
My Tasks |
The New Hire's I-9 information is displayed. Enter case creator's name, phone and email details and click Create Case button at the bottom.
Create E-Verify Case |
What processing is done in E-Verify?
There are many different paths which might result when a New Hire's I-9 information is interfaced with the USCIS E-Verify system. Please refer to the Smart E-Verify User's Guide for a complete description of the various paths. In this document, few examples are shown:
- A New Hire whose information is valid on the initial submission, and who is eligible for employment.
- A New Hire whose Social Security information is not valid on the initial submission, resulting in a TNC and referral to the Social Security Administration for resolution of the problem.
- A New Hire whose employee's information matches I-9 information that is already in the system resulting in duplicate case.
- A New Hire whose case may return a Closed Case and Resubmit status if SSA and/or DHS are unable to process the case and confirm employee's employment eligibility
New Hire with Employment Authorized
In this example, the New Hire's information is found to be valid when it is reviewed by the SSA and DHS, and the New Hire's employment is authorized.
After accessing through My Tasks, the New Hire's I-9 information is displayed on the E-Verify page.
Enter case creator's details and click the Create Case button.
E-Verify page |
The process interacts with the USCIS E-Verify system, and in this example, returns a status of Employment Authorized.
The employee case is closed automatically by DHS.
Employee Authorized |
New Hire with Tentative Nonconfirmation
In this example, the New Hire's information provided on Form I-9 doesn't match the records that SSA and DHS have for that New Hire.
After accessing through My Tasks, the New Hire's I-9 information is displayed on the E-Verify page.
Enter case creator's details and click the Create Case button.
E-Verify page |
In some instances, the case status may go through - Photo Match or Unconfirmed Data status before it returns TNC.
Unconfirmed Data:
Since the E-Verify found a discrepancy in the New Hire's I-9 data, the Unconfirmed Data page can be encountered. This gives the employer a chance to correct the I-9 information, if it was entered incorrect initially. Review the information and ensure the case details are correct.
Unconfirmed Data - Confirm New Hire's I-9 data |
If the data is correct, click Confirm Fields to continue verification.
Click Confirm Fields to continue verification |
If data is incorrect, edit the case details using Restart options.
Click Restart Section1/Section2 to edit the case details |
Select a restart activity and click Submit.
Restart Activities |
In this example, we do not change the information and continue verification by clicking Confirm Fields.
The USCIS E-Verify system returns a Tentative Nonconfirmation Notice (TNC), indicating that the New Hire's information was not valid. If it is a dual TNC, the New Hire's case is referred to both SSA and DHS simultaneously.
Click Download Further Action Notice. The notice is to be printed and reviewed with the New Hire. This is mandatory and you cannot continue verification until the notice is downloaded.
Tentative Nonconfirmation |
The Further Action Notice for the New Hire is shown in a new window. In this case, the notice is referring to SSA TNC.
TNC Notice |
After discussing the TNC with the New Hire, choose an option how the New Hire wants to proceed further with the E-Verify case.
If the New Hire decides not to take action on this case, the New Hire may lose his/her authorization to work in the United States.
Photo Match:
This page allows to match the New Hire's photo with the photograph on the documents submitted. If the photo is not displayed on the page, click Retrieve Photo.
Photo Match |
Select an appropriate photo match option. If the photo matches with the photograph on the document submitted, select 'Yes, this photo matches' and click Next.
Photo Match |
If the photo doesn't match select 'No, this photo does not match' option. Then, you will be asked to scan and upload front and back photos.
Click Browse Photo to choose the file and upload.
Browse Photo |
The system supports uploading different formats of the document like .png, .jpg or .pdf. Upload front and back pictures of the document and click Submit.
Upload Photos |
Further case verification might result in Tentative Nonconfirmation or employee authorized based on the case details.
1. New Hire takes action to resolve E-Verify case
In this example, the New Hire decides to take action to resolve the case. Choose first option and click Continue.
New Hire's decision on TNC |
Click Refer Case to contest TNC.
Refer Case |
Download and provide the case referral notice to the New Hire. The New Hire will be given 8 working days to visit / contact SSA and DHS on this case.
Download Referral |
The New Hire's Referral Notice is displayed in a new window.
Referral Notice |
After the visit to SSA field office and contacting DHS, the New Hire's case status is updated in the USCIS E-Verify system. When updated, this status update is brought back into our system by the Case Polling Process.
In this example, the New Hire's information is found to be invalid and the case status is updated to DHS Final Nonconfirmation. After the Case Polling Process has run, this is reflected in our system. Click Close Case.
Final Nonconfirmation |
Since the employee was terminated due to the Final Confirmation result, check the corresponding radio button.
Click Submit Close Case Reason.
Submit Close Case Reason |
The case is closed. Click the flag icon to mark the E-Verify activity as complete.
Case Closed |
2. New Hire doesn't take action to resolve the case
If the New Hire chooses not to take action on resolving this case, the New Hire may lose his/her authorization to work in the United States and will be terminated by the employer.
Below example shows New Hire's TNC returned by the USCIS E-Verify system, indicating that the New Hire's information was not valid. If it is a dual TNC, the New Hire's case is referred to both SSA and DHS simultaneously.
Click Download Further Action Notice.
Tentative Nonconfirmation |
The Further Action Notice for the New Hire is shown in a new window. This is a notice referring to SSA Nonconfirmation.
The notice is to be printed and reviewed with the New Hire.
TNC Notice |
After discussing the TNC with the New Hire, choose an option how the New Hire wants to proceed further with the E-Verify case.
If the New Hire chooses not to take action, choose the corresponding option on the TNC page and click Continue.
New Hire's decision on TNC |
The New Hire will receive DHS Final Nonconfirmation and the employer will be asked to close the New Hire's case. Click Close Case.
Close New Hire's case |
Select an appropriate option and click Submit Case Close Reason.
Submit Case Close Reason |
The case is closed. Click the flag icon to mark the E-Verify activity as complete.
Finalize E-Verify activity |
3. New Hire's information was not entered correct
If the New Hire's information was not entered correct, the employer may choose to close the case.
Below example shows New Hire's TNC returned by the USCIS E-Verify system, indicating that the New Hire's information was not valid.
Click Download Further Action Notice.
Tentative Nonconfirmation |
The Further Action Notice for the New Hire is shown in a new window. This is a consolidated notice referring to both SSA and DHS Nonconfirmation.
The notice is to be printed and reviewed with the New Hire.
TNC Further Action Notice |
The employer may choose to close the case if the New Hire's information is found to be invalid.
Employer choose to close the case |
Select the appropriate option and click Submit Case Close Reason.
Submit Case Close Reason |
The case is closed. Click the flag icon to mark the E-Verify activity as complete.
Finalize E-Verify activity |
Employee Duplicate Case
Duplicate cases are identified well before the case submission i.e before assigning a case number. The employer would get a choice to decide whether to continue verification using the old case information or create a new case for the I-9. Let us discuss this using an example.
After accessing through My Tasks, the New Hire's I-9 information is displayed on the E-Verify page as shown below.
Enter case creator's details and click the Create Case button.
Create case |
If the New Hire's I-9 information matches information from another case entered by the employer, the process will return a duplicate case status. As you can see in the below example, the E-Verify case number is empty. Before creating a case with E-Verify, the employer will get a choice to decide whether to use the previously filed case or create a new case by closing the previous one.
If you choose "Use case" option, you can continue using the previous DHS case. If you want to create a new DHS case, then you need to close the previous case.
Employee Duplicate Case |
To close the previous case, click on "Close Case" option.
This will provide you with options to choose the close case reason. Depending on the case status, the reasons displayed here may vary. Submit an appropriate case close reason.
The duplicate case is now closed and the status is updated in the system.
You can see the case closed status on the E-Verify page. Now to continue creating a new case, click on "Next".
Choose a case submit reason and continue verification.
Choose a reason and click 'Submit'. |
Check the I-9 data and click on "Confirm Fields". If any correction is needed, choose Restart Section 1/Section 2 option. This will provide you options to open Form I-9 data of Section 1 or Section 2.
From here, the verification process might take you to different paths depending on the New Hire's I-9 information.
Close Case and Resubmit
If the information submitted for the New Hire is invalid, E-Verify might ask you to close the existing case and resubmit the New Hire's information.
When the New Hire's case is submitted to the E-Verify system, it may receive Queued status if the E-Verify needs additional time to decide on the case.
Case Status = Queued |
If SSA and/or DHS are unable to process the New Hire's information, the employer will be instructed to close the current case and open a new case and resubmit New Hire's I-9 information.
Close Case and Resubmit |
Click Close and Create New Case.
This takes you to the E-Verify page and allows to create a new E-Verify case.
E-Verify Page |
Manual Review
If E-Verify cannot instantly confirm employment authorization because the verification of employee records is necessary, then it may assign the case to DHS for manual review. No action is required by the employer or employee during this time. Once the review is complete, the employee case status will be updated by the E-Verify.
How does the system work when there is an activity configured after E-Verify?
Once the E-Verify case is created for an employee, the system takes you through the DHS verification steps until completion before moving to the next activity in the process. Only after the E-Verify is finalized, the transaction automatically routes to the next activity in the process.
Let us take an example of a BPM process with an activity added after E-Verify. Click on "Create Case" button to initiate E-Verify.
You will notice the DHS case number is generated after initiating E-Verify.
Complete the DHS verification steps and finalize E-Verify. (Note: If you don't want to continue with the DHS case verification, simply click on "Finalize E-Verify" gadget icon).
Finalize E-Verify |
After finalizing E-Verify, the transaction automatically routes to the next activity in the process.
What is DHS Case Sync?
This option can be used to sync the E-Verify case status from DHS when no further case management is possible in the system. For this purpose, a Case Sync gadget is provided on the E-Verify page, after the Case Number is generated for an employee's E-Verify Case. The E-Verify specialists can use this gadget on-demand to get the updated case status from DHS.
Note: An AE is also scheduled to run everyday in recurrence to capture such cases in the system and automatically sync case status details from DHS.
Check the examples below for details.
Example 1:
Case Sync Gadget on the E-Verify page |
When the New Hire's I-9 information is interfaced with the USCIS E-Verify system, the case may go through different sub statuses and end up with a status when no further case management is possible in our system.
In this example, the USCIS E-Verify cannot instantly confirm employment authorization because the verification of employee records is necessary, and hence the case is assigned to DHS for manual review. Once the review is complete, the employee case status will be updated in the E-Verify System. This updated case status will be reflected in our system when the Case Sync AE is run or when the user uses Case Sync gadget from the E-Verify page.
To sync the case status from DHS, click on "Case Sync" gadget.
Click "OK" to continue the action.
On sync, the updated case status shows up on the E-Verify page as follows.
Note: The Case Sync gadget will no longer be available on this page once the final DHS status is obtained.
Example 2:
In the below example, the employee chooses to contest TNC and the case is referred to DHS/SSA for verification. The employee is given 8 federal working days to visit / contact DHS and get the case resolved.
After the visit to SSA field office and contacting DHS, the New Hire's case status is updated in the USCIS E-Verify system. This updated status will be reflected in our system when the Case Sync AE is run or when the user uses Case Sync gadget from the E-Verify page.
To get the updated status using " Case Sync" gadget, click on the gadget icon on the E-Verify page.
Click "OK" to continue the action.
After case sync, you will see the final status reflecting on the E-Verify page. In this case, the status is returned as Final Nonconfirmation from DHS and the case is closed.
How to upload documents in E-Verify activity?
By setting up the ShowE-VerifyAttachments property in Product Preferences to ON, the gadget icon to upload documents can be enabled in E-Verify activity.
The default value of this property is OFF when the Smart Onboarding product is delivered. The System Administrator can change this property to ON if uploading of documents is required for the user in the E-Verify activity.
Default value of "ShowE-VerifyAttachments" in Product Preferences |
Below example shows a New Hire's E-Verify activity when the property ShowE-VerifyAttachments is set to OFF.
Attachments Gadget icon is not showing in E-Verify activity |
Now to make Attachments option available in E-Verify activity, change ShowE-VerifyAttachments to ON and click Save (provided at the bottom of the page).
Set "ShowE-VerifyAttachments" to ON |
Similarly for the I-9 Product, you may have to change this property under Smart I-9 E-Verify and save the value.
The gadget icon to upload attachments is enabled in E-Verify activity as shown. Click on the gadget icon.
Attachments gadget icon enabled in E-Verify activity |
Click Upload.
Upload attachments |
Click Choose File and select the file that you want to upload.
Choose File |
The file gets attached as shown below. Click Upload.
Select file and upload |
Select appropriate Attachment Category from the drop down.
Select Attachment Category |
Click OK.
You will be able to upload attachments until the E-Verify activity is completed. After finalizing E-Verify, only View option is available.
How can you download the New Hire's I-9 documents?
The New Hire's I-9 related documents can be downloaded to print or preserve the records. This produces a zip file containing the pdfs of Form I-9 and I-9 Audit.
This can be done using Download Packet from within the I-9 summary through I-9 Console.
You can access I-9 Console through quick links bar or through left navigation menu links.
I-9 Specialist Home page |
On the I-9 console page, click on I-9 ID for a selected process.
I-9 Console |
Click I-9 Summary.
Click on the Download Packet button on the I-9 Summary page.
I-9 Summary Page |
A zip folder shows in the downloads area of the page. Click on the zip file name to open the files.
Zip File |
How to view E-Verify case details?
The DHS case details are available only after the E-Verify case is created for the transactions.
Irrespective of their DHS status, the case details can be viewed through
- Gadget "View Case Details" gadget on the E-Verify activity
- "View Case Details" option in Elasticsearch E-Verify Console actions.
Note: Additionally, there is an App Engine process running every night in recurrence to identify the transactions with 'Case Closed - EA Auto Closed' case status and generate DHS case reports for these transactions in I-9 Master attachments or in "Add Additional/Supporting Documents" in I-9 Console actions. For more details on these system generated case detail reports, please click here.
View case details through gadget on the E-Verify activity:
A gadget icon for "View Case Details" is provided at the bottom right corner of the E-Verify page.
Click on the gadget to view the details.
View Case Details |
The case details page opens as below:
Case Details |
View Case details through Elasticsearch E-Verify Console actions:
Click on Elasticsearch link and select "E-Verify Console" as Category. Enter the keyword as "All" an appropriate keyword and click on "Search". This displays all rows in the E-Verify ConsoleBased on the search keyword the results will display on the page.
Here "All" is used as the search keyword. Click on actions for a selected I-9 ID and click choose "View Case Details" option.
The case details displays as follows:
Anchor | ||||
For transactions with 'Case Closed - EA Auto Closed' status, the DHS case details are also available as attachments in I-9 Master or in additional/supporting documents in I-9 Console actions.
An App Engine is scheduled to run every night at 12:00 AM, to identify the previous days "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" transactions from 12:01 AM to the next 12:00 PM, and process these transactions for DHS report generation. These system generated reports can be obtained from I-9 Master attachments or through "Add Additional Supporting Documents" option in I-9 Console actions.
a) Through Elasticsearch
To search for records that are in "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" status, click on Elasticsearch link and select E-Verify Console as Category. Enter the keyword as "All" and click on "Search".
This displays all rows in the E-Verify Console. Now filter the data by selecting "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" in DHS Status.
The search result displays as below. Select any I-9 ID in the search results.
Use the above I-9 data in Elasticsearch I-9 Status to view its I-9 Master.
In the I-9 Master page, click on "Attachments".
The attachments display as below. Click on the DHS case report link to access the case details.
b) Through I-9 Console
To identify the I-9 IDs with status "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed", search E-Verify Console with DHS Status search filter as "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" (Sub State ID = 9000000034).
Select any transaction from the above list and search for the I-9 ID in I-9 Console. Click on "Info and Actions" hyper link for the selected I-9 ID.
Select "Actions" tab and click on "Add Additional/Supporting Documents".
The DHS case details report is available as one of the attachments in additional documents. Click on the link to download report.
The report displays as below.
Another way to access this report is via I-9 Master attachments through I-9 Console. In the I-9 Console, click on the I-9 ID and select I-9 Master.
On the Form I-9 Master page, click on "Attachments".
The attachments display as below. Click on the DHS case report link to access the case details.