The Preparers/Translators added in Form I-9 Section 1 can be managed through Invitation personalization Personalization related actions.
All preparers/translators that are invited in Form I-9 Section 1 will appear in Invitation Personalization under proxy users list. This can be seen in the following example:
Navigate back to Form I-9 section 1 and click on the 'Preparer/Translator' drop down in the preparer section. Now, you will see only one row for the preparer.
Select the preparer and click on 'Save' button to assign Section 1 activity to the preparer.
Since two invitations are sent to the preparer initially, and one of them is revoked, the preparer will not be sure which of the invitations is active.
Hence, resend the welcome invitation to the preparer by navigating to Invitation Personalization.
Navigate back to home page and click on 'Invitation Personalization' link under 'My Accounts' in the left menu navigation |
When 'Invitation Personalization' page opens, click on 'Manage Proxy Invitation(s)' hyperlink. |
Click on 'Action' and select ‘Resend Welcome’ on the row which is active.
Click on 'Yes' to confirm the action.
This sends out an invitation to the preparer. The sample email is given below. By clicking on the 'Start I-9 Process' link the preparer can self register and work on I-9 Section 1 activity.
Once the preparer electronically signs, the New Hire will have to log back in again and complete the I-9 Section 1 activity. For more details, please click here.