Locked Successfully Message Box |
An The following email is sent to the user stating they will not be able to log login into the system.
After the reason for locking the To unlock the user's account have been resolved, click on Info and Actions link and choose Account Unlock under Actions tab.
A message shows the user's account has been unlocked. Click Click Close.
Message Box |
Given below is the sample email The following email is sent to the user after account is unlocked. The user can now access the system.
Click on the Elasticsearch icon, select Manage Accounts in the Category and enter the search keyword. You can use any of the Manage Accounts related search keyword options such as the employee's Invitation ID, Name, Email, Phone, Account Status, Product, Company, Business Unit etc. In this case, "Active" is used as the search keyword.
In the search results, click on "..." for any invitation and select "Lock User Account".
The following message confirms the user account has been locked.
An The following email will be is sent to the user confirming the account has been locked.
The following message confirms the user account has been unlocked.
The user receives the following email is sent to the user confirming the account has been unlocked.