Click on the "Attachments" gadget provided at the right bottom corner of the Section 2 page.
Attach Icon'Attachments' gadget |
Click on the "Upload" button.
Upload |
Click the on the 'Choose File' button.
Choose File |
Select the file from your local computer and click on "Upload".
Select Once the file is attached, select the "Attachment Category" from the drop-down list and click "OK".
Follow the same procedure to upload other attachments.
To avoid the issues that are being faced when uploading the bulk sized images in I-9 Section 2 or email errors while sending the packet with these overs sized attachments, an API is incorporated in the code to compress the images with size over 1.5 MB. All images with size greater than 1.5 MB and "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp" formats are downsized when added as attachments. Image uploads/attachments with "png" format or size less than 1.5 MB will not be downsized.
The compression ratio with which the images are downsized is given below:
0 - 1.5 MB - no downsize.
1.5 – 4 MB - .50 ratio
4 – 7 MB -.35 ratio
7 + MB - .15
Sample upload of documents with different image sizes is given below:
original size of the image attachments |
After uploading, the file attachments display as below:
Note: The compressed image sizes of the attachments will not be shown on the page, but if you want to see them, you need to follow the procedure given below. This is just for your reference. Please follow the below steps only if needed.
Click on the attached image file.
When the image opens, right click on the image and then select "Save image as...".
Now save the image to a folder with proper name. In this example, the compressed sizes of all the uploaded images are shown.
Once you are done uploading the file attachments, click on 'OK'. This will save the attachments and the process navigates back to I-9 Section 2 page.
The Section 2 page with attachments looks like below. The attachment gadget has an indicator showing that the attachments exists in Section 2.