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Click on 'Yes' to confirm the action.

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The following message confirms the password reset link has been mailed to the user.

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The email received by the user looks like below. By clicking on the link, the user can open the page to reset the account password.

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When the Reset password page opens, enter New Password, Confirm Password fields and click on 'Reset Password' button.

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A message displays the password is successfully changed.

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The following email will be sent to the user after the password is successfully updated.

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How do you reset a user's e-PIN?

To reset a user's e-PIN, click on 'Actions' and select 'Reset e-PIN'. This option shows up in actions only if e-PIN is enabled in Authentication Preferences.

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Click on 'Yes' to confirm the action.

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The following confirmation message displays on the page.

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The user will receive the following email with a link to the reset e-PIN page.

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When the Reset e-PIN page opens, enter New e-PIN, Confirm e-PIN fields and click on 'Reset e-PIN'.

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The following message confirms the e-PIN is changed successfully.

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lock unlock
lock unlock
How do you lock/unlock a user's account?
